
Barring a full on admission of something he was unaware of, what non-cookie cutter explanation were you expecting? If I’m reading the article correctly, you’re asserting that he didn’t say enough or the “right” thing. So when asked about these accusations that he appears to be only recently aware of, what was the only

Six months and a 10k fine?! I know we’re not suppose to compare crimes and punishments but I’d just assume lying to the federal government during an active investigation would be levied a bit more stringently than, say, shoplifting.

Two things, first an idea. If you are shooting your mining laser from a far enough distance and the tiny flying bastard hasn’t yet found you, they investigate your target area. Meaning, if they’re still “?”, you can effectively drive them away by pointing your laser to a spot in the other direction.

I’m interested, but the “Game Preview Edition” seems a bit cryptic to me, even after looking through the FAQ and Googling it.  Can you confirm what this edition lacks, as opposed to the “full” edition?

I’m interested, but the “Game Preview Edition” seems a bit cryptic to me, even after looking through the FAQ and

As someone who is new to NMS as of this last weekend, I’m starting at the Next update with nothing to compare it to. I remember disregarding the game entirely at launch, but was swayed back to it after Next launched (and the price was dropped substantially). From that perspective... I’m skeptical that this game will

Ah, there it is! I knew I had heard the WoW reference before. Thanks for jumping my memory.

Also in my thirties, I’m commenting solely on your use of “gank.” If my memory and JNCOs serves me correctly, “gank” meant to steal something.  I might be mistaken, but if you’re stealing children with their pants down, I’d like to downvote your comment and notify authorities.

Should I buy it now?

Just to confirm; the word is heinous and, much like any over insult thrown by dudes in MAGA hats, it’s shameful and embarrassing. I’m using this as a blanket preface.

It might be a case of genre jumping, in that games like GTA5 are literal anything goes because frankly, you can’t invest that much time or energy into developing a persona. It’s a sandbox, where players routinely kick over each others neatly crafted castle.

Two things. First, I remember playing the original Red Faction and being overjoyed that I could tunnel into the planet. It never amounted to anything, but I threw bomb after bomb trying to get to the planet’s core. It was fantastic and nothing at the same time.

Now playing

It’s not your fault. Your article was a great read. I just can’t NOT see this anymore.

“Seeing as we all know how white people feel about OJ being acquitted...” is still such a strange statement to make. Yes, due to the quick jab “white people”, but mostly because we don’t know how other people think or feel. We’re guessing, at best.

This comment is slightly on point but mostly just ranting. Feel free to disregard.

I don’t mind his analogy, except to say that her firing was apart of the suicide.  There’s the disconnect that I don’t think he gets.  He’s recognizing that racism is a career killer and that she’s killing her own career, hence the suicide... but she wasn’t going to fire herself.  Seems odd to not understand that

Stupid people touch the babies of strangers. Stupid people have also touched my babies. Stupid people come in all colors.

Cottage cheese in one half of the bowl, then quickly fill the other half with unsweetened apple sauce. Each spoonful should be equally separate helpings of both.

I know she and her ex are real people goaded with thin plots and scripted interviews... but even with that in mind, they both have the line delivery and stagnant facial expression of serial killers who haven’t been caught yet.

When I was a kid, I could do a back flip. But when people asked, I’d say no and they’d immediately doubt that I could do it at all. I’m going to employ the same approach here, to hell with the results.

Garbage.  It’s all garbage.  And I’ll thank you not to speak about any of them in the future.  Kudos, however, from not naming them specifically.  I’ll save my shit for a different day, even though that’s not healthy.