
Since the storm center has yet to manifest, it’s not the worst idea to branch out. By dropping scattered from your teammates, you increase the odds of at least one of you ending up in the safe center. That increases the odds that your squad has to survive, even if you’re the sole survivor.

I will relay two stories with regards to my time in FBR Squad matches. I’ll be brief, but I found both comical enough to share. I’m sorry if I’m wrong.

“I’ll just make up chemistry questions that involve Fortnite terminology I suppose.”

I loved the backdrop and story for Kilmonger, far more than I enjoy B. Jordan’s performance of it. It seemed like I was more saddened and outraged by the kid’s life than the actual kid was. The movie overall was so deep and weighted on his story, and I was so enthralled by it... but every time he’s on screen, it was

Holy hell, did I laugh out loud at your response. Good lookin out, man.

I agree and think the same (to an extent) about speed running. Both require that the player disregard the story, environment or mechanics that the developers worked into place. I totally agree with your gripe. Still, in some cases, the stars have to align before these secrets are found, so I don’t mind the mining so

Yes, sorry. I simply meant that they were ready to offer it. Usually, successful development\publishing houses will wait for some sort of public outcry or twitter storm before they even consider it. Kudos to Epic for being willing, even if it does come with the standard rebate processing.

I really appreciate Epic because they’re active with the players community by way of enhancements and bug fixes. It’s refreshing to see an immediate, you-didn’t-have-to-ask-for-it refund too.

I, on the other hand, am a horrible player with no credit or fanfare to my name. You let me know if you want to chat... you know... for comparative purposes.

This is ultra stupid of me, but how might one go about knowing their rank? I normally just dive into a Solo and enjoy it, then leave. I’ve seen my win stats per mode, but I’m not immediately sure where to find my ranking in the country. What am I missing?

Honestly, its a sale. Around the holidays or at random times during the year, a publisher or console will dish out amazing deals. I’ll pick up a few titles and make my way to the most interesting, with a goal to not start the next in line until I’ve exhausted another. By the time that happens though... another sale.

I too loved this moment. I tend to side-quest as much as I can before continuing through the main plot of most games. What struck me about this scene was that, by the time Aloy returned and spoke over Rost’s grave, I had indeed taken her everywhere the game had to offer. She had grown into a legend by the time she

I’ll jump on the obvious bandwagon and say that Fortnite BR being free really launched it for me. At the time, PUBG was not released for Xbox but the format (1 vs 100, Hunger Games style hunt) was ultra-enticing for me. Fortnite simply being available to try on a console was what got me to install it, especially at no

“The parents were unable to immediately provide a logical reason why their children were restrained in that manner.”

Thank GOD someone mentioned Season 4 of Black Mirror, because I’ve been waiting for a faint opening to go on a rant. Spoilers, of course.

Great question. I bought the Skyrim bundle for VR because I was looking for a new game (no, I never played it) that got rave reviews and would show off the VRs capabilities. I am thus far mildly let down. Its not bad, but really difficult to get into, in my opinion. I hear great things about the Batman Arkham VR, so I

“Fixed: employees showing up to work furious for no reason.”

As a console player, I’ll admit that I jumped to Fortnite simply because I couldn’t (yet) get PUBG on my Xbone. That being said, I love everything about it and can’t tell enough people that this FREE game is so good.

And also, as a both a mediocre gamer and mediocre father, I am slightly more comfortable showing my

On the other hand, if we allowed full nudity, the ability to dance seductively and a new invisible gun, the death rate for straight male gamers would skyrocket. We’re just that stupid.

Also, kudos to the devs for the relatively quick response.

It’s free, in that you don’t need to spend money to get it. In the game’s world though, you have to be an extremely crisp gent like Alio to afford it. What Alio lacks in general decency or intelligence, he more than makes up for with imaginary currency and undeserved sense of pride. He’s the poor man’s rich man, and