
You'd have to read the thread, which is a bit lengthy at this point. MizJenkins called me honey... which was nice but seemed to stray from the original point she was making of me being a fool. She didn't respond, so I just assume she means I'm the sweetest bastard she's ever trolled.

No... just racism. "All _____ people should have no opportunity in this country because all ______ people deserve it all." Regardless of the ad-lib you fill in here, it's wrong. The goal should be "All people deserve every opportunity."

So just to be clear... I'm a white man. In your opinion do I deserve no opportunity or equal opportunity? It seems, from your argument, that I deserve no opportunity, as a way to ensure you have all opportunity. And yet your surprised that I'm defending myself.

I appreciate the comment and really, this is all I was saying. Everyone should ask why all late night gigs go to white guys, everyone should already know the unfortunate answer and everyone should work to change that so that everyone has a shot. Really, in my (shockingly necessary) defense, that's all I'm saying;

Why is this concept so difficult?! You talk about it like some sort of club. Like me, Bill O'Reily and Pat Robertson are on some sort of BFF email chain, talking about how we can collectively bring down everyone else. I shouldn't have to say that's idiotic.

Now playing

You were done listening from my first post and on, which might explain why this entire concept is lost on you. I'm "whining" about how ANYONE of ANY COLOR deserves a fair shot and recognition. Speak on how that could possibly be wrong, if you've bothered to read this far. Since that's unlikely, here's a cat video

So what you're saying, in order as stated above for ease of read is:

I think your response underscores my point a bit, if I may.

"...how do you really know if "you've earned it" if no one else ever got a chance to compete."

"It's true. It's true. We're so lame." - Homer Simpson re: White Men

That being said, I'd like to see diversity too. As a white man, I agree; it's obvious when another one of us is put to the forefront. Likewise, it's refreshing when a non-one of us gets the limelight. So there you go; I'd welcome this change as

I feel as though you're really impressed with a type of level which Hitman had ample of prior. I'm not going to go out on a limb and say "firsties" or anything... but I disagree that Dishonored brought anything new to stealth. Solid game... but not mind blowing. At least, not in my opinion.

Three legs, if I'm not mistaken.

I say this with as much respect for the LGBT community as possible, because I sincerely hope the world moves towards a more inclusive view of all people. I truly do. Those are the only words I can muster, at the moment. But essentially; yes. Equal rights for everyone.


My wife and I were just noting something, if I may also note it here: HGTV and DIY suck nowadays. And your list is exactly why.

I'll only end up hurting you. That being said, I live in Lansing, Michigan. If you live in any of the surrounding areas, we can meet up and post comments to each other, directly in person over scones. You have to supply the scones. Also, what are scones?

I'm torn here. Whenever I hear about a child prodigy in sports or entertainment, I immediately think "well, great. Now this kid can become a famous globetrotter, and will miss out on the social interaction and education gathered from the more 'common' path that kids take through grade school and college." My mind

I live in Michigan and despite our constant economic problems, rising crime and high rate of Republican politicians, we have at least always been able to order a Whopper in the morning. Granted... it wasn't advertised and if you were the first that morning to ask for a burger, the grill took 5 minutes to heat up...

She should have brought her umbrella.

Is anyone else turned on by this?!

Well, if nothing else I learned that these two must use some sort of birth control...right. I mean, I assumed they didn't because God hates that shit and they have 19 kids. 19 kids for 19 sex-romps.