There should be a constant Kickstarter for this sort of thing. I know I'd donate to a cause like this.
There should be a constant Kickstarter for this sort of thing. I know I'd donate to a cause like this.
Doesn't it seem risky to jokingly-out-for-revenge label this place a gay bar?! I get the idea and yeah, fuck that guy. But should we really be risking that some actual gay person misreads these to be factual reviews, only to strut his happy ass into an establishment operated by a now, extremely pissed off bigot?
"If you dismiss Wendy Davis as a liberal whore now, that will be the end of it. I will not boycott you. I will not facebook my rage. But if you don't, I will unfollow you, I will boycott you, and I will encourage my friends to also deny your precious cookies." - Fox News, as read by Liam Neeson in Taken.
"... Good…
In regards to the last one:
This would require that I sit through this movie again... which in turn would require that gauge my eyes out with a steak knife. And since I can't bring in outside food, I'm assuming outside cutlery is also not allowed. So the whole plan is going right out the window.
Oh, no. Those are peas. Someone should've told you.
I think studies like this assume people are stupid which can't possi...I... nevermind.
I pride myself on being the most cynical bastard west of the Mississippi, which is odd because I live in Michigan. But I always find it strange that the de facto tidbit of knowledge that people are quick to spew out (and go so far as to trot it like some unknown mystery that they themselves have unlocked) is that…
Does no one know how to use the phone number? The ACA wasn't a law about a website... I feel like anyone talking about the failed launch of one of the methods, while actively ignoring the others, is just trolling.
It was touching to me until I realized that this kid is just a button masher. Then I lost all interest.
A good song which will replace all logical thought every time you read the word "fatty".
I'm really not sure what to make of this social question, and I apologize that it originated in my brain. But here it goes: if you were stranded on a mythical island with a mermaid/merman, would you rather have one with a human top and a fish bottom or one with a fish top and a human bottom?
As others have noted, "Spoilers" is a thing now that most credible internet bloggers (possibly a thing now) subscribe to and abide by. Because of you, I just punched a random cat. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Have you ever eaten a salad and not immediately had sex afterwards? Me neither. The ad is justified and frankly, a little prudish.
Is it just me or does a sense of nostalgia come over you when a game from your childhood comes back? Okay, so maybe not my teenage years, but still. I've been waiting for a continuation on this series for forever. I am psyched as hell to play this.
This is a rant. Please be warned.
With all the hatred of reality television, this one stood out as important. I'm sad to see it go. At times, namely when addicts were walking on sunshine, it certainly felt like a guilty pleasure. Watching train wrecks for entertainment. But as someone that's watched since it started, it showed the other side more…