
I'm annoyed by this "outrage" and this story in general, so perhaps I'm just not letting the disgust sink in enough. This thing is a ticking bomb that will destroy all that is holy, and I'm just not intelligent enough to get it. I'll accept that for this post only. But...

What are the differences that I am suppose

"More often than not" is a keen, blanket phrase that means "trust me, I've asked a lot of people." I can't take writing like that seriously, so frankly, I shouldn't have continued... but I did.

This article is making two assumptions about the common family. First, if there is a successful dad, he could only achieve

Master bedroom? As that a thing? Is that what people refer to it as? Huh. For years now, I've just been calling it "Whitie Cracker's Room" because, correct me if I'm wrong, that's what HGTV told me to call it.

Ladies, please. Calm yourselves. I'm here.

Become a runner, by all means. Enjoy the health and attitude one gets from quickly moving from point A to B. But once you do, and you become proud of yourself, do your friends a favor and withdraw from Facebook. See it as the final step of becoming healthy.

It's a toilet. Ignoring all political and so-called moral arguments about this story; the technology involved is identical regardless of who is using it.

I'm sure this is mentioned somewhere in this comment thread but this seems like a lackluster success in terms of progression. What I see is something that's already been reported. Republicans failed to dethrone Obama, have meetings specifically to determine how to become favorable (and electable) in the public's eye,

How many children have you adopted? It's easy to say "someone" will adopt a child, but thousands of children waiting in foster care would like to disagree with you. And with birth control still a divisive issue being fought for in our political system, it's difficult to imagine how one could be responsible these

My wife and I share the same views, and yes, we were able to potty train our daughter by about 2. Prior to that, we used cloth diapers and disposable ones sparingly. We agree; the disposable companies have no interest in kicking the diaper habit sooner than later. All thumbs up here.

I like you. You don't mind looking like a pompous asshole to strangers. That's a really great trait to have.

Prove it. Find me any existing publication wherein a Yeti with a scottish accent befriends and ultimately betrays the Queen of Egypt, with sexy results. If no such example exists, please consider this post patent pending.

Our Governor might have corporate interests at heart, and might be more interested in controlling women than he is helping them, and sure our economy, housing situation, public education and environment might be no better off with him in place. But all that being said, you can't blame Snyder: he's simply an asshole.