
the teachers are not the problem at ITT. they are just teachers. they are employed to teach and that's what they do. whether or not their good teachers, they're just doing a job (usually actually not their primary job btw). it's a bit unfair to lump them in with the management/owners of the "school". sort of like

Most people in those situations are clueless. Think about it. Why would the teachers know any better than the students, and why would the students go if they knew it was a scam? I generally think the average person is a huge POS, but I dont think the average staff member of ITT was in on the scam, supported it, or

Were the janitors on the Death Star “evil”, or were they just working a job to feed their family?

5 years later...

This picture shows the driver before the crash. Notice he did not give his GF a helmet to wear. Am I the only one a little bothered by that?

They’d enjoy that. I suggest make all the implicated employees drive Fiat 500L:s and have Vipers just sitting there in their garages with them not allowed to drive them.

To be fair, this is probably not that much more likely to break than your own garage door. Hydraulics have been around for a very long time, and this system doesn’t look terribly complicated.

How do you know there's no alternate 'jump through the waterfall' exit for emergencies?

The real hack at FCA is that they still somehow manage to trick people into buying a Dodge Caliber.

Thank you. That was very satisfying...

Even if the kid ran out of nowhere right into the robot, if it then proceeded to run over the child lying on the ground, its safety systems are insufficient and need to be corrected.

I don’t like my Vehicle VIN Number to be public because I use part of it for my Personal PIN Number for when I use the Automatic ATM Machine.

Torch, you could have my odometer reading any time.

That is more powerful then my 7.3L powerstroke. Actually 5 lbs feet less but the weight difference will make up for it

He deserves everything he’s getting.

You’re really focusing on the real issues here, bravo. Why didn’t they try harder to take this mass murderer alive? Clearly it was racism, and there couldn’t possibly be any other reason why they killed him after hours of negotiations. Where are the protests and murals for this guy, huh? He’s a god damn saint and the

Do you truly believe the police would have acted differently if the sniper was white? The fucking sniper had already killed 5 police officers and wounded other police and civilians and claimed to have a bomb. The police just wanted this over ASAP so they could go home and be with their families. They would have blown

Nothing says good idea like trying to take a guy responsible for shooting 11 people and killing 5 and who is claiming to have bombs all over the area alive. If this wasn’t an appropriate use of deadly force, there is no such appropriate use.

I do not believe at this point the police had any obligation to use restraint. This killer had to be neutralized at first opportunity before more people got killed.

We’re sad that they didn’t turn it into the car it should have been. It had so much potential.