
Since I did not note the time in the post, Raph would like me to mention it. The time was 47 seconds.

Hah! She has been around for seven years so I think it’s anything goes at this point.

Yeah I used to do that one all the time! What am I, losing my edge?!

20 cents is actually a ton on a foreign exchange market. The GBP just hit 31 year lows to the USD. This was one of the largest single day drops in history. It has indeed plummeted. To put this in perspective, the 20 cent drop represents a 13.4% decline which is an INSANE amount for a currency exchange rate to move

That one’s just as confusing. Especially with the + and - in the wrong spots.

I did a focus group on them before they came here and that was one of the selling points they mentioned. I’ve yet to see one parked like that in the US.

I judge people who drive lifted bro-douche trucks that tailgate and spew coal. Those people deserve to be judged.

I hope they can keep this technology Current, otherwise it could Hertz the economy.

That’s watt we need!

I guess I’m glad I got the V8. Hope to take it to a sidewalk Track soon. ;)

Found the story, your not going to believe this:

I’m not, but my look at layman-oriented interpretations of Colorado law like this one suggest that the next step up, first-degree assault, would have required serious bodily injury, which thankfully did not happen.

Always amazed at the really stupid motorcyclists that ride up against a car trying to “teach them a lesson” Proof they have an IQ below 90.

Never miss an opportunity to deescalate an incident of road rage, kids. Remember how easy guns are to get in this country and how little value so many place of the lives of others.

i mean, who else was the mustang supposed to hit!?

Seems a little late at night for Cars and Coffee.

They’ve moved on from crowds to motorized vehicles, people. Time to put them down.

1.. this wasnt road rage.... this was a lone mustang detecting a lone meatbag nearby and lunging of its own accord...

Clearly the Mustang mistook that motorcycle for a crowd...

im glad to see both parties were arrested