
The best game i played at PAX East 2014 was Cosmic DJ!

wow... 7? PS4, PS3, Vita, 3DS, iPad, iPhone, and PC for me. It would have been 8 but i haven't turned on my 360 in months (my Wii hasn't been powered on in at least 2 years)

"OS/2 version 3 (Warp) was a genuine 32 bit OS ahead of Windows. "

I am a huge Taco Bell fan, but i just can't get hyped for TB breakfast. I'd really rather just have a bag of tacos and chili cheese burritos.

KSP is the most fun i've ever had while failing miserably.

I desperately wanted to love P4G, i really did... But i use my Vita more now for ps4 remote play than i had prior to getting my ps4 mid-feb. I am really looking forward to FFX HD collection for my jrpg fix

or that digital out port the GC had! (im not imagining this, am i?)

Right on! You may really enjoy it (and i truly hope you do).

I recently read the first 3 books in the series (within the last 18 months) - The first book is amazing, but the quality drops sharply with the 2nd and 3rd book.

I see - I'm still shocked that they weren't up to 360 standards upon release. Thanks for the clarification!

Wait - the X1 shipped without party chat? without the "invite friend to game" option? what the hell?! These were the biggest minor features the 360 had that i couldn't live with out. I am so glad I didn't rush into an X1.

You know, you're right. the AMD x86-64 cpus and AMD/ATI gpus in the ps4/xbox one are *completely* different from the x86-64 cpus and gpus used in desktop pc gaming rigs.

Yes, you are the only Kotaku reader with a well paying tech job, no kids, all the consoles, and a current pc. Don't be stupid.

that would be a fantastic excuse in a year or three.

...because the xbox one and ps4 are SO different from a desktop PC...

uhh bring the bacon, steak and sausage ones to NA!!!! i am shocked they aren't already....

so this is basically replacing large chunks of the game? i wonder if there are still frame rate issues post-patch

The JPN only GBA Tetris Advance was awesome! I imported that badboy like a boss

Translation: "GAVE WILL READ 30,000 POST ASKING ABOUT HL3 for $500k!"

The Stratus is a miniature gamepad for iOS devices, specifically any iOS 7 device with a lightning port. It doesn't use the lightning port — it's a Bluetooth 2.1 machine. It's just an easy way to group supported iOS 7 devices without typing out a long list. If it's got a lightning port, this will work on it.