
How about a simple bag of weed? :D

Don't be so quick to write this off. Sonic CD on iOS is actually amazing, and since the gent who was behind that port is behind this one? I'll happily give my money.

And I just assumed you were completely ill-informed by your initial question. You sure showed me, billy!

It is in fact a device. your original question was "didn't Microsoft buy Nokia?", to which i made my reply. Nice work.

Microsoft purchased the Devices & Services division of Nokia, not the entire company.

the idea of taking my vita and the handful of games i have and putting it towards a ps4 has crossed my mind several times.

So can anyone give me an idea of what the demand has been like? Is it at all possible i could walk into a physical Best Buy and get one off the shelf?

so I wonder how Sony will handle consoles getting online prior to the street date...

oh fuck me, this is a little too close to home.

Well, i really shouldn't be surprised i guess.

Sooo.. what are the odds my current ps3 fight stick will "just work" on a ps4?

is this demo rare or something? I've got one, and well, i may have to toss it on ebay

this is crazy, this morning my sister told me she scored a PowerWheels for my niece at WalMart this morning for $30usd.

This, along with being able to stream any music i want within any game really made me respect and love the 360.

*shrug* my wife wanted X, so i got Y. simple as that lol

Sigh. Ok, i love tits as much as the next person, really i do. And i think Ellen Page is adorable...

Just wait til they discover some have called it the Xbox 180

I've never been to Prime, but I've been to East twice.

Every owner of an original 3DS would be wise to pick up a Nyko PowerPak+

I wonder if he still has the Genesis!