
Sorry, I have the game and I have played it for over 50 hours and I have no freaking clue what anyone has been lied to about. If the game did not work, if I could not actually fly through space, explore at will, survive against the elements and craft items from elements I scavenged off of planets, THEN I would have

Now playing

Holy shit. I come to Kotaku, find a Doom Metal classic front and center. Lets not forget,

Phone and tablet charges for days...

Phone and tablet charges for days...

Sadder fact: Sega surrendered on the Dreamcast in Japan with numbers that Microsoft would kill for right now.

Woa. I just came back from AoU, and I did not interpret the Black Widow stuff like this AT ALL.

Electric Wizard fucking RULES. Drugs, doom, and Satan? Sign me up! :-D \m/


This is from a North American point of view, but what you say may be relevant as most of the games for these systems started as Japanese games first.

It's always been comical.

No, it's meant to be a literal take on the real life fighting tournament known as Mortal Kombat. Where supernatural beings fight for the sake of realms.

At least she's not licking the damn thing.

Personally I'd like a few more big-hitters. WipEout, Uncharted, Rayman, Tearaway and LBP are some of my all-time favourite games.

Things have not been easy for the little portable console ever since its launch over 3 years ago. One of the biggest complaints early on after the Vita's release was the lackluster library of games. However, since then, things have picked up somewhat. While it has yet to release a million-selling game in Japan, the

Cue all the self entitled gamers that say this isn't enough.

But you aren't locked out of weekly raids. You simply can't run one weekly raid once every 6 weeks. Next week you can run your nightfall just as always. People need to stop acting like Bungie is stopping people from playing the game in it's entirety.

It's infuriating because at least with games like Civ, the intro was unskippable because the game itself was loading in the background (you traded waiting during the intro for waiting at a title screen).

Also, eating bread and salt ensures that the existing crew will extend the Rights of Hospitality to the visitors, breaking which would mean they are cursed to roam the station forever as a giant, anthropomorphic rat ghost.

Think I'll stick to vaping the green stuff. We were doing it first anyway.

Here's a map detailing botched SWAT raids in the United States. All the little blue spots involve deaths of innocent people and you can click on them for more fun details. This map took me literally seconds to find.