
I play inverted on consoles, and non-inverted on PC... it just "feels" better to me.

It's the best in the series, but don't let that ruin the 4th and 5th books for you. It's really hard to follow up such an action packed and exciting book that moves the plot so much.

The third book will tear you apart inside... but you'll love every second of it. Savor it. I am so jealous of you right now honestly - I wish i could read ASoS again for the first time...

I too am curious how they'll handle Tyrion's chain - iirc that was something he set in motion shortly after arriving at King's Landing...

Totally. S03 should be far more interesting for Dany.

Dany's time in Qarth has been pretty different on the show as well. I'm really not sure why someone decided the dragons needed to be stolen to provide motivation to draw Dany to the House of the Undying...

I can't wait! it seems so far away though....


The iPad is damn sexy. My wife and mother-in-law conspired and got me a 16gig wifi ipad2 for xmas, and i love the thing to death.

for SURE. There's no real way to objectively write about the hardware just yet.

i plays very well - i want to say it plays exactly lik,e on the ps3, but i've only played MK on the 360 - but its SPOT ON.

for the love of all things good... just get the real stuff!

So i splurged a bit yesterday and got myself a PS Vita with Mortal Kombat.

Wise words!

Yeah, i wouldn't expect them to be able to say anything - that's just SOP in the corporate world.

wow, what a lose/lose situation. Either pay the state, or pay employees... I hope this isn't too hard on the regular people of 38 studios.

The original GR games weren't like the R6 games. If i recall correctly they were more traditional FPS titles.

Once you download the patch - you won't see it on your home screen. I'm not exactly sure where it's saved, but i assume it's either on the SD card or the internal memory.

Its your loss really. Community is one of the few sitcoms that doesn't talk down to it's audience. It's smart, it's funny, and the characters are like-able.

This actually played in a theater near you?! Was is listed as Idiocracy or "Untitled Mike Judge Film"?