
I vote we skip Scarlet Witch until such a time the whole mutant aspect isn't an issue. In the mean time - bring on Ms. Marvel!!!!!!!!!


Wait, so is Game of Thrones out on the 15th?

Why did the show's format change so much between season 1 and 2? I really enjoyed season 1, and 2 just felt like you guys were trying way too hard to show everyone that you aren't the same as Top Gear UK.

The gaming industry can be kind of hard to get into (i've tried!) - Heck i was even trying to get into a QA role with one of the local game studios, but was quickly turned off by the amount of extra time that would be required AND by the absolutely terrible pay. The problem with trying to get into game QA is almost

I'm very sorry about your loss. Things WILL get better in time. Keep at the job hunt - regardless of what the media is spewing, there ARE jobs out there to be had. I just recently changed jobs about 6 weeks back and landed a fantastic new job with a very handsome raise increase.

Wow, this is a really good deal. I actually skipped the DSi (I have a fat ds and a ds lite, and a 3ds), but i am thrilled to see a $99 portable gaming option for the younger and more casual sets.

Heads up - the A Game of Thrones RPG has been pushed back to June :(

Hey, thanks for the tip!

I picked up StarHawk yesterday as well. My pals and I played the ever loving hell out of WarHawk so this seemed like a no-brainer.

I'm in the same 5pm boat - but at least I'll be able to grab my pre-ordered copy on my lunch break. Another pal of mine - huge Warhawk fan, we played TONS - took a half day from work to get a head start.

Looks like it's physical disk only (at least for the time being). Oh well, I can always use more PSN friends in any case :)

At last! Starhawk day! I've been looking forward to this for some time.

Here is what I do - ask her what she'd be interested in playing together, then make it happen.

Are any of the original Manson band members back? I lost track of the band sometime around Mechanical Animals.

Math has never been my strongest subject, and it's certainly not something I'm proud of or would boast about...

So this is how Sony gets me to grab a Vita... MK and UMvsC3.

...this is getting out of hand people.

I'm not even going to pretend to resist. When will activision just take our money directly and have the game arrive at my door on the release date?

Rock! Check your messages please!