
You know what, I'm ok with the lag in release time. It just ensures I have plenty of time to take in and enjoy Zelda: OoT 3D.

ugh, i hope Nintendo is quick to restock retailers for yours and many others sake.

So for all the talk of respecting the street date for Zelda OoT at my local Target... I get there yesterday morning as they open... and wouldn't you know it - they only had one copy on the shelf (so i scored). But seriously - I saw them taking the games off the shelf when i tried to purchase it early, so i know they

I turn the 3d off once my eyes start to feel a little strained, so technically i've been playing more 2D than 3D, but holy crap what a remake. Such a beautiful revamp in terms of graphics and sound.

take his power cable? take the keyboard and mouse? pull the ethernet cable? hell - set up rules on your router to deny his MAC address network access between certain hours.

@JGab @Dyze i thought about raising hell and playing dumb... once i had already left and gotten home :( My next idea is to send my wife in with my money, see if she has better luck ;)

so it seems my local target is one of the few to observe street dates for video games. I had to pick up a few things, so of course i passed through the game section, only to find Zelda OoT 3D on the shelf with a price. Impressed with my amazing luck (for once), i summoned the electronics person and requested they

ugh why?! Kill it with fire!

if you're playing SF4 with the 3d turned off - be sure to hit the game settings and disable it there as well - You'll be rewarded with 60fps in single player mode, vs the 30fps with 3d enabled.

i'd be shocked if there weren't a beta sign up page. the email i got was from Microsoft (my guess is they simply data mined for cod:bo players who've sunk more than X hours into multiplayer). who knows.

in this day and age of large and cheap storage, i see no reason not to rip lossy music at 256kbps (aac or mp3) or higher. Also, VBR is a good thing.

I didn't sign up for anything - just got an email. Seems testers are selected at random.

ok, but these are prototypes (probably very late prototypes, but still prototypes none the less). this system isnt even coming out till next year, so i think it's a bit too soon to be getting worked up over this. I am sure this will be a non-issue with the retail hardware (ps- add a damn ethernet port please!)

i got an invite, but i am not thrilled about the idea of COD elite.

you're not alone. my pile of half finished games brings me shame. there simply isn't enough time in the day my friend.

i wouldn't be surprised if the tablet makes up like 40-50% of the overall cost of the Wii U system. My gut feeling is we'll see a $399 or so launch price.

So it seems pretty likely that the Wii U will only support a single Wii U tablet controller. If this is the case, i can imagine the Wii U catching a lot of flak from the die-hard fanboys of the other 2 platforms.

Bravo, good sir.

God i wanted a Neptune when those spy pictures were in all the gaming magazines...

I wonder how much this will affect the retail price....