
@XtreemIkon: I liked that story better when i heard it from mc chris, and he told it properly.

@Hongo: I second this. My wallet 3rds ;)

this style of writing and publishing makes me kind of angry. basically turning the author's name into a brand name... then having a bunch of unknown authors actually WRITING the material. I can't imagine being an author as a trade and willingly doing this sort of work.

i guess i need to reconsider passing on this game. after all the epic butthurt surrounding the Infinity Ward situation i was gearing up to move on from CoD. It really sounds like Treyarch stepped up their game.

@Eternal: That's a rather brilliant idea.

@wealthyman2: I seem to recall fan-made patches/hacks for prior Civ games to replace the leaders. As poor an example as this is, i do recall a sort of Hitler patch/hack to make him the German leader in a prior Civ title.

@jandlecack: i played too many hours of Civ3 to admit, and didn't get as deep into 4.


@TomXP411: Don't feel bad - when i was just a wee lad i dreamed up this crazy idea for roof shingles built out of small solar panels. i recall down the line seeing just that mentioned in the "what's new" section of popular science.

I actually enjoyed the time i sunk into FF13. for whatever reason the last FF game i played to the end was FF8 (which i also really loved), and to me FF13 (while linear) looked and felt like a classic FF title.

I promise to purchase this because i did not get a chance to play them on the ps2.

@battra92: Oh my god, i am going through the same thing with soda right now. Instead of Diet soda i've been using iced tea which is somewhat better, but still not the be-all end all solution.

@Riquez: how did i know someone was going to bring this up? It was a $60 bundle with the headset. Yes there was the option to snag it via the PSN store for $35, but i needed a good bluetooth anyway. No matter how you slice it, i feel very slighted by the whole S:C experience.

Am i the only one still kind of pissed off/butthurt over the last socom "game"? that alone has this title on the "no buy" list for me (and yes, i do understand it was a different development team, but damn, $60 is $60).

From my own testing, i've found OS4 runs much better on the 3G if you disable the wallpaper functionality. Once i disabled this with redsn0w(while leaving multitasking enabled) the OS responded far better and battery drain was drastically less (by 2/3rd with my own unscientific tests)

@bakagaijin: Wow, this was very well said.

@Nitesh Singh: Pfft... this 30 year old will be asking for one for his 31st ;)

@stranger77: But it DOES make sense! this is nintendo's reply to the "but i own an R4 so i dont need to lug 20 ds carts with me everywhere" crowd!