
@John-Hamptonshire: Once i modified my PSP's d-pad, playing street fighter alpha 3 max was a dream. Personally, Street Fighter 4 on the 3DS kinda sells the system for me ;)

Oh so THIS is how they planned to get me to buy the whole big package and replace my RB1 kit...

This is so weird... but i like it!

@bakagaijin: Becoming gainfully employed stemmed my piracy. I hate to sound like a cliche, but i was young and well simply couldn't afford to buy all the games i wanted to play back then.

@kainzero: Wow, that sucks. A while back i was doing some late night L4D2 and i ended up getting matched up with 3 other players who i discovered were all college aged females.

Hrm, my gut feeling is this could be a new cart with a motion sensor - maybe to test the waters for motion controls for whatever Nintendo has in store after the DS

@Mokona: Not going to flame you, but i gotta point out that if you played GOW and just spammed one attack, then you're missing out on the combo system and how well it can really flow.

Oh how i envy and hate you Kotaku editors ;)

What everyone is missing is the editorial staff was unaware. Nowhere does it say the IT or Marketing staff were unaware.

honestly i never was all that bothered with the modified artwork on the greatest hits/platinum/whatever releases.