
That joke is FUNNY! Don't lie!

HEre are the steps for the scientific method

Nah i have a compulsion to drag people into the light of reality. Its because I want to make the world a better place. Living in delusion as you do helps no one and hinders efforts to make sound decisions that can help everyone.

Its easy when you have gullible immature minions ready to believe the Earth is dying and that everything that makes their life easy is evil and needs to be torn down.

Eco morons like yourself encouraged Kenya to ban hunting, now its wildlife are devastated and like everything else you liberals can't understand why reality laughs at you.

You even double down on the con calling it Climate Change now. Because Man made Global Warming was not working.

OF course they are relevant, mine are actually true as opposed to your examples to your brainwashed child.

Al Gore Conned you and the rest of the world and made a literal fortune doing it so obviously MAN MADE Global Warming isn't real.

Its nonsense because your High Priest is conning you.

Come on!!!!! It would really be Funny! Unlike Oswalt.

If if wasn't for being wrong liberals wouldn't be anything.
Fifty year Homicide low with more guns legally owned than ever before.
Sleep well liberals, reality is laughing at you.

Liberals told us not to hunt animals and so no one bothered to protect them it started in Kenya which lost almost all of its wildlife when hunting was banned.

Uggggh none of its going to happen because of man made global warming.

do you really believe that nonsense? You do know that Al Gore flies around in a private plane, the worst way to pollute the planet?

Maybe 2032

How about not being incompetent and pushing your beliefs on others?

You should run Warren its not like she's a liar…….

I loved the 5 news reports she did for NBC that she got paid $400,000 year for.

The same people who voted for PRes Obama TWICE, you aren't too bright are you?

And That's exactly why you are a weakling coward, because you can't tell the difference between a loudmouth who's right and Hitler