
ITs all propaganda. White people are bad, Black people are bad. Japanese people are bad, Germans are bad, Russians are bad, Arabs are bad.
Individuals are bad or good. Racial or genetic groups are not bad or good, they just are,
What can also be bad is their government, beliefs, religion etc.

Yep. Who knows how many the Aztecs, Maya's etc murdered in religious ceremonies.
If I remember correctly Genghis Khan was insulted by the leaders of a large city, the description was that the streets were rivers of blood when the Mongols were done with it.

Do robots dream of Electric sheep?

And Villainous Asians and Villainous Blacks and Villainous Latinos and the list goes on….

Its what you deserve.

Says the troll.

Lie all you want, liberals are known for it.

You were never specific. The Nuclear Option was used by Reid. End of story.

By the way, what animals are the most prolific across the world?
Dogs, Cats, Chickens and Cattle.
Why? Because it is in humans self interest for them to be, though we are trying to cut back on cats now, those little effers are too efficient.

And by the way, Feel free to name any high ranking Democrat who believes in smaller government, the free market, individual rights and self reliance.

That's not what you said. Half of the US pays no taxes, the top 10% pay 70%. of all taxes.

I'm not a troll
I don't doubt the climate is changing, Man has NOTHING to do with it.
The fact is that not one prediction about global warming has come true.
That you keep getting fooled says more about you than it does me.

Then you were conned by them. Like PM Chamberlain after meeting Hitler.

Classical Liberalism isn't the same as Social liberalism.

Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; eliminate most filibusters on nominees-Washington Post


The lower classes in the US pay NO TAXES.

Feel free to show it, go.

Agreed but Americans aren't bigger dicks. Liberal Americans are.
Get out of the big cities and people say hello and wave to you as they go by, just because.

Oh its that meth addled xerox repair man, still hallucinating and fantasizing I see. Begone foul troll I won't be responding to any more of your boring nonsense. And Mommy said to take out the trash right now.