
Stop being a crybaby! Illegal Aliens are SUPPOSED TO BE DEPORTED.

WRONG. Reid used the Nuclear option.

You know, I would think Interstellar travel would still be very expensive.
So why does every single crew seem to be filled with jerks? And at least half are morons. Who don't work well with others?
I mean If I was spending trillions, I'd send highly intelligent, affable, team players.

I'm hoping he wakes up in a chair and a voices says " You are number 6, I am number two and I want information, INFORMATION" in a threatening british accent.

I'm going with the fan theory of two different time lines, William IS the man in black 30 years later. Something happens with Delores in the earlier time line, he falls in love with her he thinks she's sentient, but in the end its just a narrative and she's just a machine and he's bitter.
But now 30 years later the…


Apparently they can get tips from Dre

And there might be 3 Jokers

She is hot. And I thought Saffron was the Future ex Mrs Malcolm Reynolds

Yeah comparing the two is something a wimp would say.

Hmmmm I'm not sure if that's awesome or creepy.

I and about 3 or 4 other posters have mentioned it.

She should have gotten an Academy Award for playing a latina so perfectly.

Comparing the SJW to the Warriors just made me throw up a little.

Less High Fructose Corn Syrup and More walking.

Escape from New York.

No way

You know your mom just wanted you to stop annoying her right?
Sorry Dude.

The Nerd theory is Escape is the Future world of Warriors and that Snake is either Swan of Ajax grown up.

Riverside was used for the Van Cort but its not in the script.