
Soldiers are usually ambivalent about fighting for someone else in a strange land.

The internet theory is is that it was still tried and the government intervened and pushed all the gangs into manhattan and walled it off. And you got-
ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK. The theory is Snake is a grown up Swan or Ajax.

Can I do it, Can I kill my brother?

He's in a lot of movies and tv shows. He was really great in Dexter.

Doesn't Cleon name the crew when he's giving them their assignments before the march to the Bronx?

The other thing is Nerdom has a theory that The WARRIORS is the same world and becomes the world of ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK. And either Swan or Ajax is Snake Plisken.

The Author leaves out an important detail. The Warriors is based on a TRUE STORY. Supposedly. Written by a Greek Merc named Xenophon called Anabisis. He said he was there. Cyrus was prince of Persia who was fighting his brother for the Throne and was doing well until he got killed leaving the Greek mercenaries he

See Escape From New York.

The Lizzies

Fighting around the World! With Russel Crowe

ONly ONE EPISODE IN 2016!!!! RAT bastas

Yes he came out with the rest of the crew when Maggie etc showed up

Morgan has the map, Rick left it back at home base

Queen witch with a b. She had to look strong in front of the others, she didn't think it would backfire on her.

The Gov's lackey said they are starving just slower than living folks

Some do some don't it didn't look like it was plugged in

That's right

Its not personal its business and he can bring her back to talk to Maggie in her dreams etc
If no one died the show wouldn't make sense or be as good

Queen beeotch

I agree, Rick is not a cop anymore, no one is, he's the leader of his tribe and they are at war with a tribe that is evil.