
Actually the reverse, they decide to kill someone off and then give them a couple of episodes to showcase them before they are gone and tons of shows do that, Sopranos used to do it all the time

They were keeping Beth and not letting her go and the COPS CONFIRMED what Noah said about Dawn and the hospital.

Yep I was thinking the same thing, also notice this dimension never invented the effing SPEAR!

Not exactly but they have learned when they are in a war you don't arrest the enemy.

Rick knew about the atrocities from Noah
Rick also knows they have murdered people from Noah
The cop could have killed Sasha

Morgan found the school and the church, the church was wide open but all the walkers were dead, Morgan left an offering at the altar, a bullet, a hostess type cupcake a rabbits foot and then found the Washington map Abe gave to Rick.

Dawn was an evil beeotch who got off easy

A cop who went along with rape of the wards and whatever other tortures were going on in the hospital, who then attacked one of Ricks people to escape and was putting Rick and his people in danger.

Come on seriously, while I think other countries are great, there is no other country like America. None. And its because of our freedoms. Other countries have their good points too but if you are a minority in another country born in a slum what are the chances of you being successful? Like I and my wife are?

Weak episode

Yeah its not all the inventions, progress, etc, its our military. Funny nobody jumps to act like Russians or Chinese

I was just explaining to bandit why Courtney said that and guess what they are about to die, I think Clara was correct, they can be on a first name basis. But its Irrelevant, I hated Courtney from the first time she appeared, she's obnoxious and full of herself and wants to call the Teacher Miss but still constantly

They ain't friends is what Courtney is saying and I really dislike Courtney.

I agree that not understanding the American system is not anything to get offended about. We certainly don't understand the details of theirs.
American Exceptionalism is not a myth though, it comes from absorbing in other cultures and people. We wear ten league boots, we can't join the rest of the world on a equal

I agree, weak episode, good idea, and I really hate that kid Courtney.

Well said, and he's a bigger azzzz than ever, a PRAT

This doctors an azzzz. He's got no governor and very little compassion, more time lord.

Good idea, weakly written, did anybody else blurt out, when the Doctor said its an egg, SPACE WHALE?


The decide to take all the drugs and film Pineapple Express TWO!