
I would assume that the Corporal had a spotter beside him with high-powered optics. Snipers typically operate in teams of two.

Giz, you always bring up issues at just the right time! First it was how to build a computer, as I was building my computer. Then it was how to use the manual settings on a camera, when I was preparing for a family reunion. (They all think that I'm a world-class photographer now.. Joke's on them.) Now it's how to make

Pssh ollies are the easiest skate move. All you do is press X.

There's nothing wrong with a little 1am shadow..

I had one for 6 years. Very excitable was Mugsy. Big for a pug. He was usually in "pant" mode. If not that, then uber sad mode.

ONLY $118,000? I'll take 3. Man.... I could film myself waking up, and drinking water, and driving, and reading, and... Wait, this doesn't sound very captivating after all. Carry on, Discovery.

In a roundabout way, yes. I guess they had to see what their sick little experiment in genetics had turned into. After a month they, in a panic, schlepped her back to the U.S. in a shipment of Bertolli.

Ewwwwwww. While sitting at the car dealership getting my car worked on, I was subjected to Good Morning America, or some such nonsense, interviewing the cast of Jersey Shore. In Italy. At max volume, of course. So instead of reading Cormac McCarthy, I listened to Snooki's description of the "Smuch" room... Where they

Italy, I apologize on behalf of my country for sending such a scourge to your nation. We'll take her back....

Holy balls. If I didn't have such a great upgrade scheme going on with my family where I get a new phone every year instead of every 2 and they get my old one, I would definitely be selling my iPhones.

I'm not sold on the whole silver band. The 2G had it, sorta, and the 5 has aluminum, but.. Meh. If it's even vaguely what the 5 looks like, I'm sure that Apple will have it much more polished by release. I'm assuming that something has to change in order to drop the stigma of bad reception with the outer antenna.

If you ask us for help fixing your phone, do we not lawl raucously at the innate simplicity?

Hahaha you put my thoughts to words. Bravo.

Vegetarians need not apply.

From the terminology used in the titles of many of the shows, I thought that they were part of the Food Network.

Wait, was he the dude "jogging" down the street behind my back window just now?.... *Shuts blinds*

Just look at the motion blur on that child sliding into the giant pool!! He must be going super fast!

I dunno, some of the stuff listed in the guide for satellite sounds pretty... Complete... The descriptions leave little to the imagination.

After looking up shakuhachi, I can say it looks really cool. I think my next venture will be the ocarina.

Lol I own a guitar also, but... My skills there stop at Zelda songs... I'm instantly in awe of anyone who can improv guitar. Or play anything well at all, for that matter.