
If it hits... Land.

Cool, kid, I give you props! I- ....... I have that keyboard!

Ahhhhhhhhh..... Excuse me while I finish my raucous LOLing. What a guy.

Or forgo the shotgun for a Barrett .45 handgun for less than half the price. Buy more ammo for less! And when the totalitarian regime takes over in the wake of the governmental collapse, you'll be able to hide it!

I see Google+ being a catalyst for change in Facebook. Facebook may be the big dog, but it needs a kick int he pants once in a while. No one has ever truly challenged them. Not even Twitter, really, as they are two very different things. If Google+ gets enough loyal followers, then maybe Facebook will start by fixing

I'm not reading any more of these comments on a full stomach. Just thinking about sitting on one of my boys makes me ill. Losing my schlong makes me want to lose my dinner.

I feel pretty uninformed... I never even knew that Google Maps could do that.

Mega super Conficker virus a la AIDS con queso "Allow/ Deny?" Allow. Yes. Whatever. These popups are annoying...

You are allowed one man-tear at a time. (Loophole: They can come in fairly rapid succession.) I "cried" too. No worries.

Not awful, by any stretch. But I hated Heathcliff with every fiber of my being. I ended up being fairly satisfied with Wuthering Heights, but I did like JE much more, though Jane grated my nerves at times. Charlotte definitely seemed like the more... Optimistic... Sister.

I appreciate your snarky helpfulness.

I'm going to go cry in a corner now. It's a nice corner, you're free to join me. I've got cheesecake.

I was LOLing for a good 5 minutes. +1 to your mana, good sir or madame.

That was one of the worst things about MySpace, along with the eye-gouging of glitter and ear-bleeding music. I use a social network to connect with PEOPLE. My friends. It just gets annoying if everyone is xXxSuP3rBaBeexXx.

I would rather them bid in "Internetz," but Bitcoins are good too. Wonder if that's what Google uses its server farms for when YouTube has a slow day.

Did you see the AntiSec/ LulzSec coverage on NBC, ABC, and Fox? It was abysmal. They were getting their news from the AntiSec twitter feed and "computer experts" who talked in circles. It took mass California graffiti to grab their attention.

Good grief I love pugs.. And dogs in general. You deserve to have your genitals destroyed via bicycle seat if you harm them.

You speak truth. The Alamo is so huge that, leaving through the front of the Alamo, you can see the back of the Alamo. So can the Chinese.

I've really got to watch out, I just bought some assorted cashews and almonds. I don't want my nuts getting hacked.

I've always wondered if Transitions sunglasses contacts would work..