
I don't know what is better: this, or the inflatable tanks that we used at D-Day.

Red Dead Redemption and Wild West Tech: teaching kids about the importance of snake oil and hookers. And guns. Not necessarily in that order.

I think it's Ballmer, actually.

This is a triumph.

Wait, so you're saying that I'm NOT supposed to pass out after kissing someone? They told me chloroform was an aphrodisiac..

Blackberry has never been synonymous with "apps" for me. I sometimes forget that they even have an app store. People complain about Apple's dev policies, but that's where the money is, because developers flock there.

You're getting 2-3 days out of an iP4?

Facts are hard to come by in life lol. Especially in technology..

Some people really DO NOT know CPR. So true. And the machine is very useful for telling rescuers that it isn't time to give up. The rescuers do the work. The machine helps.

And now I can heart you...

I'm just going to say that intubation sucks. Bigtime. And having to cough up an intubation tube after waking up from surgery sucks worse. But I'll be darned if these things aren't lifesavers. I'm sure that Snitzer is mighty sore from having air artificially slammed into his lungs for 96 minutes, but I don't know

The facial animation reminds me of L.A. Noire, which I will be playing any day now. These things are definitely the next generation of media, but how in the world do we surpass them?

Hearted. Actually hearted. BECAUSE THE GIZ HEART SYSTEM IS BACK!!! AW YEAH! But this photographer, and picture are stupendous, really. You really can find anything in nature.

Let's see.. What do angsty teens do to protest nowadays? ..... INTERNET PETITIONS... GO!!!!

The thing is that people are often too enamored with sullying the opinions of others, scuffing religions, ideals, and culture, that we fail to learn from those things at all. There is a lot to get from the Bible. Understanding. Acceptance. Self-examination. There's a lot to get from atheists as well. See the science.

He also thought that we would pack several people (and dogs, let's not forget them) in a cannonball and cushion them from the strain of liftoff with mattresses... I actually think that your picture is of "From The Earth to The Moon"! Great book.

Man... Should've taken that Gamestop deal for $100 off the PS3.. I've still got until the end of the month, but I wouldn't be affected by the outage, so would I still get the free games?

I seriously would if my desk was within arm's reach of my bed. Sadly, it isn't, and I have to GET UP to get my phone. It's tragic, I know. I then usually lay sideways on my bed and check mail and Facebook. It helps to ease me into consciousness.

I haven't looked fondly at the BB brand in years. I just never saw the appeal, really. And they've been left behind. From what I can tell, they make the fractional majority of their once-prosperous sales by buy-one-get-one deals.

I do remember that! Except after the first month I could no longer get it to work. Nifty toy, that. But like you say, NOT a mouse replacement. I daresay my Magic Mouse isn't the right blend of touchy and feely, either.