
It's weird. I was watching the Japan disaster unfold, and BAM, there was Bill Nye, talking on CNN about nuclear fission. He was ten times better than the newscasters.

Try the UAE...

We have a thing for cars this week, Giz? I think it's hilarious, I'm just saying.

Just watched this for a government class. Scared the bejeezus out of me, as "1984" is one of my favorite books. I like to think that the American way, if it comes into complete existence, would be passive, and only monitor, instead of taking action like China. We should never have our media censored, our speech

3D Phones are the snake-oil of our modern market, as portrayed by the wonderfully-placed picture above. Luckily I have not had any friends show up toting them, and thus have had no one to backhand. I've seen the "mainstream consumer" become strangely savvy to phone names lately, though; something that I myself have

In Boy Scouts, I can't even begin to tell you how many accidents we had with Swiss Army knives because they didn't lock in place. *Carving wood, carving wood, OMGBLOODEVERYWHERE*

I don't remember those ladies being explicit... I watched this movie on SyFy haha. I wouldn't be surprised if the military's newest weapon was actually, in fact, RBCGI: Really Bad CGI. That would probably work, right?

Regardless of whose plane it was, it's puzzling to me how rebels gain so much military equipment. I've read articles of rebels taking tanks, fighters, obviously guns.. I'm sure that some of the dissenters are ex-military, with experience using the machines, but I've never seen attack vehicles and armor implemented by

Then there would be an SSD on the Alienware laptop.

This is by far the most comprehensive and detailed explanation of everything that has been happening in Japan. Thanks, Giz. It's harrowing to come back from vacation and have... This... All over the news. Hopefully they can get the plants under control now. It's the last thing they needed after the earthquake and

My iPad's ego is just fine, thank you. The same will not apply after I go have a fling with the iPad 2 today, though... I'd better keep the old girl in my backpack so she can't see...

First things first. Use them to blind us with advertisement everywhere we go. On planes, trains, and buses, replace the windows with these LCD's and scrolling ads. Next, make us not so miserable by putting them in out homes. My idea? Make a desk out of it.

Haha I know, right?

Just leave the bathroom door open so you can aim straight... In more ways than one.

I'm still happy with my Asus CuCore 5770. At least, I keep telling myself I am. Maybe one of these days I'll pony up and crossfire two so that I won't feel so inadequate compared to this monster.

Oh BOY. I can't wait to download this and see some awesome soundless, video-less, 3D animation-less Flash content! I'm going to click on so many banners....

May I just have both? Unfortunately I'm not rich enough to have the best of both worlds..

No, I'm no protocol droid.. But I can bullseye a womp rat, just like Beggar's Canyon back home.

Wait, we're NOT on Tatooine? Well there go my dreams of becoming a moisture farmer...

Just keep telling yourself "I'll spend responsibly this year, then when iPad 3 comes out NEXT year, and it's made of unicorn giggles and Carebear hearts, I will come out on top." Leaping generations is hard, especially for a tech enthusiast, i.e. the folks reading Giz. I always have to think, "College. College now, so