
I think it's safe to say that entire sector of the internet is the equivalent of Mos Eisley spaceport, or Deep Ellum, if anyone's familiar with Dallas.. You're probably going get shot or vibrobladed hanging around there long enough.

They don't treat kings as well in prison as they used to. They gave Al Capone steak dinners. The Spam King only got some really bad lessons in style. And... Grammar?

I have the same conundrum. I never use my iPhone 4 for web browsing anymore. It's always my iPad or my MacBook if I have it with me. I find that I use my phone to keep up with people, check email, Facebook, etc. For news, websites, video it's all my iPad. Though it's kind of annoying that I can only see the mobile

I jailbroke my 16GB WiFi for all of 12 hours before reverting back. It's fun for a while, but can't match a hardware/firmware update. I didn't think that I wanted cameras. But will all that power, and such a thin form factor.. For some reason, I DO.

So they're still afraid of Y2K. Poor guys.

This shot looks like it was taken in 1998. The glasses, the... Nasty creeper mustache... The sweater/t-shirt combo, the lighting.. Who knew the 90's could be so creepy??

You READ Engadget comments? I only ever skim the home page there for breaking news stories, then head on back home to Giz and all of you people and your wonderful, grammatically correct comments. Thank you for existing.

It hurts so badly because somehow Jobs still made me want to upgrade. I'll refrain, and just be in the Apple store on March 11 fondling the iPad 2 for a good few hours.

Agreed, my processor gives me more than ample power for whatever I need, whenever I need it. Photoshop opens in ~5 seconds, which makes me very, very happy. AMD has earned a customer. Overclocking the 945, I wouldn't be surprised if you could eek out 3.5Ghz+ from it. AMD chips and Asus motherboards have a very nice

I only had the previous OS for about 10 days anyway before Snow Leopard came out, so I didn't know the difference haha. I was just transfixed by the whole "expose" thing. I don't see them having the price TOO high for Lion, though. No more expensive than a Magic Mouse.

That thing is a BEAST, good grief! I spent 1k flat overhauling my old computer which had been a gift from a friend. I kept the 450w power supply, the DVD drive, the hard drive, and the Tsunami Dream case. The rest, I gutted. It was my first build.

I absolutely adore my AMD Phenom II X4 955. It clocks in at 3.2Ghz out of the box, and with all 4 cores unlocked, (easy, by the way), it was fast- but it was a snap to overclock it to 4.01! Now it... Blazes... Absolutely fantastic chip, and I got it for about $120 at Fry's. Great list.

It's always good to have songs with you regardless of your internet connection, true. If I hear a great song, I'll buy that one song, but not the entire CD, and definitely not a physical copy. Less to keep up with!

It only has a 40 on Metacritic, but I see it's true true potential.

Will we soon be driving them? Or is this more of a Fahrenheit 451 cheetah that burns our books?

As I was reading this article, the software update icon started bouncing on my dock... I think that Apple knows what I'm reading on Giz...

Yeah, I was a very happy camper about the price of Snow Leopard. Here's to hoping Lion is the same price : D

Really? I prefer Watching Paint Dry, featuring Ty Pennington, but that's just me.

I haven't been a huge power user of handhelds since the Gameboy SP. I do own a DS, like everyone and their mom, but never use it. I've always wanted a PSP; perhaps it's the old guard mantra of owning every console that has me lusting after it. I might pick one up finally if the price goes low enough. Same for PS3.

"Personally I also think the current iPad is underpowered. I am ready for the 2nd generation of this device."