
You're welcome! It's always great to find an interesting conversationalist on Giz. I would heart you, but apparently I don't know how anymore... -_- Now you can go for double stars! I'm approved on Lifehacker, but I spend most of my time (free or otherwise) here.

Can I just say that IEEE 1394 connections are an absolute thorn in my eye? I've never had a use for firewire. I know that many people do, for recordings and such, but hooking up all of the bizarrely labeled cables to a motherboard is far and away the most painful thing that I've ever voluntarily done with technology.

Ahhh the Patterson footage... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that cell phone makers just took the 8mm film design of the camera used ^ here and shrunk it for mobile use. That's economical extension at its finest!

Go wait in the speeder, Watson... We don't want any trouble. You aren't the droid that they are looking for, anyway.

Retail is terrifying. I worked at a grocery store, sacking and taking out people's bags. There, I saw some horrific displays. The most memorable was some guy demanding calf livers for his sick dog. Apparently the store had raised the price, and he was less than pleased. After chewing out a checker, the night manager,

I was never a big collector of CD's, but what's made me stop buying music from places like iTunes almost completely is Pandora. Rarely, *very* rarely, I will purchase a song that I can't get out of my head. The thing is, between streaming services and YouTube, I haven't seen any real reason for me to go out and buy

I had one of these, except it was more skeletal. That was such an awesome toy.. That was when I watched Gundam, too, so it was double awesome.

I was just thinking that.. Like a 5th grader made cardboard cutouts. If they looked more like Airsoft guns, or even paintball, I would be sold! As it is now, uber-blech.

How can I tell that that is not Steve Jobs? No turtleneck.

But... Web pages are so blank and bland without obnoxious ads.. I actually forgot what banner ads looked like, I had been using Adblock and Flashblock for so long. It's a little terrifying when you turn them off.

Through grade school, my mom taught me to associate things that I had to memorize with really corny, stupid, ridiculous mnemonic devices. It wasn't until college that the professionalism of what she taught really sank in. I've never tried actually "putting" the memories somewhere, though. That's really intriguing.

From what I have seen, the outlook on an improved resolution is bleak. If anything, folks are expecting it to be given a minuscule improvement. I do think that you are correct about the Super PLS display, though. The display in the iPad isn't bad, but it pales in comparison to the iP4. Ppi, viewing angles, the whole

The first time I saw a scan like this was on the Discovery Channel. (Great place to learn about love :'/ ) I was pretty young, and it showed a couple going into an MRI while.. *ehem* entangled.. This raised many questions, and I have never looked at MRI machines the same way since. My my logic, love= sex+MRI?

Very good point(s). Apple is in a perfect situation for the manufacture of affordable hardware. They basically had the iPad in front of our noses for years with the aluminum MacBook lid, so they had perfected the technology. I'm still impressed by the battery life of the iPad, even at the price. It beats any that

Good grief! What happened to competition "driving down the price of tablets"? iPad 2 will more than likely still cost $499 for the base model. Why is that price point so difficult to hit?

Which he won't. If he does, they'll wipe it. All of this confiscation is assuming that Sony will be able to DO something about the hack if they get the files. From what I understand, once you get the source code for the hardware, no amount of updates can stop you.

Having some experience working with the emotionally disturbed, I find that I am almost excited for this to become a reality, in order to help those who cannot control themselves. Immediately after this, though, I think about how overtly frightening an aspect it is to have *absolute* control over the emotions of the

It's closer to a video game than war has ever ventured. I would seriously question my mental health too if my desk job was firing missiles at people.

I was just watching a show on KERA about how most of the pilots for Predators are in Arizona or New Mexico somewhere. It must be a very strange, foreboding feeling to know that you are responsible for what happens on the other side of the world. The military sure does love its drones, though.

The Tron-like suits were awesome, for sure. I was excited when Slash came on, but Fergie and "Sweet Child O' Mine" didn't mix.