
This kid made the Super Bowl for me. Children pretending to have Force powers will still entertain me on my deathbed. Is it bad that I found this more entertaining than the halftime show?

@Dr. Clockwork: Oh, haha I have no idea if the math is right.. For all I know, it equals chocolate raisins in a Care Bear's ear canal. I stay away from that stuff as a general rule; math, not Care Bears...

@smithhimself: Wait, she was with YOU, too?? ..... I've got to make a phone call.

@Dr. Clockwork: This post made me want to die. English majors mix with math about as well as I suspect Steve Wozniak would mix with Kim Jong Il.

@Settings: Imagine. They never knew of Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Not of space travel, or combustion engines. When the first sky scraper was erected in New York, they had no idea. We are so comfortable in our lifestyles that we forget that there are still groups of people who have never seen blown glass.

@MikeHTiger: You've got to do what you feel is right, or the robots win.

@Cats: Thank you Giz comments for many cornea-ttributions.

@Cats: I imagine that this is how shoemakers felt in the early 20th century as factories began to do in minutes what took them lifetimes to perfect. For substantially less, to boot.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: That is an oddly perfect fit... You're completely right. Gamecube was.. Well, you know.. And Wii sold gangbusters. I would still rather play an N64, though, which is why I use my Wii for just that purpose. I don't think that I'll go back to XP any time soon though.

@hostile-17: It's much easier to restrain yourself on Giz because you have to intentionally click *reply*. It's not just... Sitting there... Watching... Waiting...

"The Attacks Everyone Sort of Understands"

@MaxPoint: Sir, that will be $4.99. Just swipe your card.

@anitesh.jaswal: See, this is appropriate because Barrett is an American company, and makes the most destructive sniper's rifle in the world. You know.. For when teargas fails..

@Onizuka-GTO: Granted, the AN-94 or (one of my favorites), the 74u version of the the AKMS, would be better investments than their 64-year-old brother.

@Omar Beach: I think I'll just leaf it alone, actually.

Make it electric and I'll buy three.

@m57: Everyone would rather buy an AK-47 than an M16.

@McMike: That, and it has the Woz factor. Driving one automatically enters you into Dancing With The Stars.

@JSR694: My thoughts exactly. If I wouldn't feel so awkward wearing them, I would buy some.