Spider Fucking Jerusalem

As someone who has watched a fuck ton of Dragon Ball, I ALSO find the small selection refreshing.

I mean, this applies to almost literally everything he says, it goes without saying.

Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, tops “Majin Obama.”

Nope. Going to see a movie.

OK, I live near Hyattsville, Maryland, and according to that map, I would be completely unaffected (besides psychologically, I suppose).

Great that they arrested the guy.

Why do you ask?

Nah, fuck this show.

I agree.

A shocking but ultimately pleasurable experience?

Just wanted to endorse “One More Day” as indeed the worst Spider-Man comic ever written.

No, The Last Jedi will not get better with age. Just because people are debating choices about character and plot doesn’t mean the film wasn’t a bloated, unedited mess.

Sooooooo ... everyone just forgot about Erica, huh?

Perfectly describes how I feel about the movie

love how the video skips right before the shit is thrown. good job!