Angrily engaging in battle like a pissed off 13-year old boy with hormonal issues and driving the direction of the battle into population density instead of away from it is not remotely "being unable to stop something from happening."
Angrily engaging in battle like a pissed off 13-year old boy with hormonal issues and driving the direction of the battle into population density instead of away from it is not remotely "being unable to stop something from happening."
It's such a common observation about the cartoons and comics that there's an entire legion of jokes and memes based on it.
If you think it's that much of a long shot, you don't pay attention to Moffat much. He's got a knack for trolling, ham-handedness, and being too clever by half. It's what makes the rumor believable. (I'm not giving it much credence, but I'm also not going to pretend Moffat is in any way "above" such nonsense.)
Zack's inability to work with an ensemble cast? Dawn of the Dead.
More science reporting. Less credulous repeating of flashy studies. Kthx.
Hyperuniform disordered point patterns are not remotely a "new state of matter." They've been known in materials science for some time. Amorphous silicon is a popular study material for the phenomena. That's just scratching the surface. Seriously, io9, what is up with your science reporting lately? It's just awful.
Because cities need more elevated traffic structures to destroy real estate and communities? Seriously, who in their right mind thinks this is good civic development?
That's the difference. Windows actually patches its issues, even minor ones. Apple OSes, on the other hand, just make a silly face and say "We're not Microsoft!" while pretending security flaws don't exist. Or at least, apparently, until they become so insanely monumental they have to fix that one really insane…
What's scary is that anyone expects Apple products to be secure. They are an utter joke. While they've been smarmy about being Not Microsoft, Windows has actually had to engineer better security and issue constant patches. There's little to no pressure on Apple to do it, so they don't. Various terrifying exploits have…
Never mind the Alaskan heat wave. Or the drought in the West. Or any other data point, eh? Especially the fact that the LOCALIZED cold weather is caused by warm air displacing cold polar air.
Never mind the Alaskan heat wave. Or the drought in the West. Or any other data point, eh? Especially the fact that the LOCALIZED cold weather is caused by warm air displacing cold polar air.
I can clearly see the difference between a personal insult and posting on Jezebel along with a chorus. The former is a direct aggression. The latter is public shaming and an act of social aggression.
I find it personally repulsive. It's freaky to me. I would not want to be friends with anyone involved with that person. That is my preference and right. It's not my right though, in any way, to declare it wrong.
Your language makes it clear that both distaste and moral judgement are involved. Don't BS yourself.
Or it comes from being a country rooted in the American and Scottish Enlightenment and the liberalism they birthed; concepts such as individual sovereignty and the harm principle are deeply rooted in American culture and philosophy.
I'm with you on the first paragraph. I even consider the aversion kind of counterproductive, considering research has shown time and again over decades that "paraphiliacs" and "kinksters" are pretty psychologically OK folks.
Not so much on the second paragraph. Your distaste has nothing to do with a given kink's…
What's the chip on your shoulder about the kinks of others?
This actually makes a terrifying amount of sense if you're really familiar with Egyptian mythology. Which is kind of freakish in itself.
He's just expressing himself. What happened to safe spaces? Can't you imagine the insufferable horror of waking up every day and BEING HIM?
Oprah is a well-known purveyor of junk science. If you want actual medical and fitness advice, seek out reputable sources instead of fad hawkers.