Ulthari Tomcat

Yes, male visitors get the same experience.

Oh please. "Physical contact" is explicitly in the disclaimer that attendees sign a statement saying they've read, understood, and agreed to. Also, actual victims don't get a safeword.

I have a solution for this problem: Stop mollycoddling radfems, separatists, matriarchalists, sex negative feminists, and so on. They have taken the soapbox for decades. They dominate much of the feminist net-sphere with their rhetoric and platforms. Let's stop pretending rubber doesn't meet road; that range of

If you're pissed off, annoyed, distressed, or so on, the artist did not misfire. Your anger is exactly the point.

While I get the gist of your point, you are incorrect in the literal sense. Killing is not always murder. Self-defense killing is not murder. Manslaughter is not murder. Involuntary manslaughter is not murder. Murder is murder. Those other things are types of killing, but they are not murders. Murder is a particular

Upstate and Western New York are dirt cheap to live in! Come on over. :)

Tanning is not really a thing in Western or Upstate New York. It's very common to see oh gods get out of the sunlight you're blinding me white white people.

The obliviousness to the ironic racism of slamming the fellow's purchase choice is staggering.

Pro-tip: You cannot be made to produce ID for a credit card transaction. It is against their processing contract. If your business accepts credit, you must accept them like cash (barring being short of a minimum transaction amount). You may ask them to show you their card to verify it is signed. If and only if the

"Actually, it's awful, because I don't know a single dude who has a story like that, but nearly every woman I know does."

I was honestly distressed and confused by the flack Mindy Kaling received. She's one of the most radiant and gorgeous women on TV, in my opinion. They idea that she wasn't quite attractive, let alone "ugly," was simply beyond my comprehension. However, I now have a better understanding of where that is coming from.

The inappropriate removal of blonde and ginger children from Roma parents is part of my family history. They did not have the luxury of DNA tests or a right to redress. Nor any expectation to be let alone after their children were stolen. I am gladdened to see times have changed, even if the racism hasn't.

There's other points and nuances we're missing here. Please note that something made her very uncomfortable about Clifford Owens and it is most likely the performance of this piece. I'm not familiar with anything else in his repertoire that would be particular shocking or disturbing. There is a disturbing aspect to

It's very weird to me that folks here have not called out the blatant domestic abuse moral of the story. Despite the fact that a lot of readers got kinky jollies out of it, it is in no way a kink-friendly trilogy. Mr. Grey is literally a mentally ill self-loathing abuse survivor. That's the explicit context of the

They don't want an erotic thriller. They want a vasoline lensed mommy porn soft and sensual touch. 20 years ago, "indie" films on "edgy" material by "artful" teams like this were all the rage (and mostly very forgettable).

If it's that much of a riddle to you, may I presume you've never seen Secretary?