He doesn't seem to give many details. What makes you so convinced that they'd handle well on a road course? They sure don't look like they would.
He doesn't seem to give many details. What makes you so convinced that they'd handle well on a road course? They sure don't look like they would.
The sustained speeds are much lower. Average speed around a lap is only about 12 mph for the fastest cars. Also, these are toys we're talking about.
The series is actually based out of Chicago. Go here, read the rules, and sign up!
Next year! Do it!
MIT didn't race this year.
We've had bananas on track before.
Hi Travis,
There was one. It's called the Lameborghini.
There's a team out of Omaha. He goes by The Lone Hacker. We have a race every summer in Kansas City, you should check it out.
This man. Give this man the golden ticket.
Yeah, it's not so great. Especially on older cars.
I think that this is every Jalop's dream.
The engine didn't make it to competition. It ran once. Shame, really.
They aren't in reverse. They're just refilling them with tire smoke.
I know! Cat pictures are the real menace here!
This is also my choice, because lotus.
I suppose that it doesn't necessarily make the most sense to compare texting someone who you know is driving to sitting next to the driver and talking. Sitting next to someone and talking to them is like calling them on the phone. Texting someone is like sitting next to them and showing them cat pictures. They could…
Oh, my. That is so close to where I used to live, it's painful. And probably good for my wallet.
Inner tubes can hold up well to heat for a little while, but I have no idea how long it would last. Probably no more than a few hours.
Well, my 1987 BMW is safe! Hack that!