
Why assume they are co-opting? The Dems would equally love tax cuts on the rich to the benefit of no one but themselves.

This : “Shutting down the government haS CRUSHED the Republicans the last two times they pulled that shit.”

Seems to be in conflict with this : “...who control almost every sector of the government from county levels to the presidency...” 

All I’m doing is typing sir.

Ah it’s time for personal unprovable anecdotes, the best hill one can chose to fortify. The WRONGNESS & SADNESS continues.

No armchairs about it! I’m kind enough to not consider profits during a humanitarian crisis, that’s all: Part Deux!

No armchairs about it! I’m kind enough to not consider profits during a humanitarian crisis, that’s all.

Mmmm polite condescending and simply stating that all economists agree with you without quoting a single one is a great argument, one that can only be approached with bold all caps. You continue to be WRONG & SAD.

I payed for all of them. Next point?

I’m afraid that’s just incorrect Dave C. You continue to be WRONG and that continues to be SAD.

ding ding ding ding!
Hunger and dehydration are not economic issues.

There is no law of supply and demand, but I’m sure that won’t quell your ideological erection.

Its almost as if for some people even a very small amount of money saved has a very large impact on their lives. Fucking plebs am i right boiz?

“when supply is down prices go up in order to more efficiently get the product where it is needed”


Fuck people who are worried about losing money during a emergency/disaster. This is the type of shit that makes me want to believe in a just/judging god.


People don’t panic buy because of prices, they panic buy because THIS IS A DISASTER and the emotional reaction TO PANIC is not an economic one.
Once a state of emergency is declared prices should be controlled, fuck supply and demand fapping.

Except the hotel is inside my house (which I own), operated with my electricity (which I pay for), the bed is my bed (which I own), the television is my television (which I own), the remote control is my controller (which I own) and only I can interact with the hotel; no other guests are affected and Capcom loses no

Can’t use mods without the game, its a win win

This comparison only makes sense if the only person that can interact with my house is you.

the derping comparison is strong here