
Can I question and critique others whilst still learning from them? Or must I walk the One Path that Leads to a Rewarding Life without critical thought or analysis?

Not arguing in circles, if you prefer to not engage in my conversation that is on you. If you have nothing to add that is also on you.

But please, enlighten me on how I can become a zen master and choose what emotions affect me. How can I walk the only Path that Leads to a Rewarding Life? Life is complex and

Wow, I need to live a little bit more life? How about we talk about the content of our comments instead of the character of the person making them? Unless all my comments are now invalid because of life experience instead of their merits.

Look, I’m not saying you cant make choices that hurt people even if that’s not

Yes. Yes really.

You seem very reasonable and open to conversation.

Fine mistake are choices. She chose to cheat, we can agree on that.
So, I guess all of time can be reduced to 8 months? No one said he was mad forever. He was mad 8 months after he got cheated on. Unless you are a Zen Master 8 months seems like a reasonable time to be

Sure the world would have been different. I can imagine that. Now, imagine that in that election instead of 50% voter turn out you had 85%. If people don’t vote, of course their candidates aren’t elected.

I’m sure everyone would respond the same way they have up till now

Right, unless I play ball I waste my vote. That sort of thinking reminds me about how more Americans think an apocalyptic natural disaster (meteor destroying the world, typhoons and hurricanes in the east coast, super volcano destroying the world) are far more likely and possible than a modest change to our economic

I never understood treating cheating like a mistake. You don’t accidentally fall into someones bed or back seat, its a choice, you consent to cheat. Choosing to be open to communication and therapy AFTER being caught cheating instead of being open to communication and therapy BEFORE cheating seems like the more adult

Right, except only one party chose to cheat

i get mad about jesus making people walk (because he didnt)

How does her hard work after getting caught cheating make cheating instead of open dialogue the more adult option? How does the concept of relationships for others(even when they read as fantasy) come into play when talking about how stupidly insane it is to say that cheating saved ones marriage instead of dialogue?

which is why people whooooo stick to cheaters are idiots

Yeah cheating instead of talking seems super adult. Throwing a ultimatum 8 months after cheating while still in therapy seems like a super adult compromise, specially when you aren’t the victim in the situation.

of course not, its her life!

His skeletons in no way have an effect on the cheating of the OP. Given the info the OP has written about her situation, his reaction is pretty ok.

It would take 0.093 seconds for my brain to decide over those two choices, see ya in court.

Wow, do you not see the absurd contradiction in you very first sentence?

Or her husband is just a big rube.

So, why no talking before cheating....?