
ReBoot got an HD texture pack 

You can’t copyright a dance move but I think he’d have an argument since they took multiple moves from the same performance. But I don’t think it’d be worth it. 

Or there’d be a post-credit scene tying them in to the transformers somehow

No. If any movie was deserving of more attention a reboot might bring it’s this.

Your lede is bad and you should feel bad. Frankly the only gift in this is that his wreck affected no one other than himself. 

The eyes will haunt me forever.

Me neither. 

Drain it? Admittedly it’s been years since I worked at one but nothing was ever drained. You pull the package from the freezer, stick it in the hot water until it hits the right temp, then you open it and pour it into the meat bin. Just like the Panera mac-n-cheese thing that went round recently. 

How dare you. I’m willing to concede an argument for Blunt, but as much as I enjoy the Rock, he ain’t got nothin’ on Fraser. 

This is just a remake of The Mummy. But with less charm.

Basically. I mean, it was intended to be the final boss. You even get credits rolling after killing it. But then the game just continues on after. 

It doesn’t end. You keep playing after killing the dragon. It’s just the closest thing the unmodded version of the game has to an end boss, which is a bit silly since the wither is much tougher than the dragon, especially on hard mode. 

MPH club


I have the opposite issue. I loathe time travel stories, but I find Long entertaining.

Not an issue of owning anyone. Or not installing updates. Just a commentary on dramatic headlines.