
It was definitely an all-day venture if you wanted to play it from start to finish. And to keep track of everything you pretty much needed a notebook.

Best Pacific based game was the Koei SNES game, Pacific Theater of Operation. You could play as either side and it was quite a massive strategy game with turned based tactical combat for a console game.

Some seriously amazing costume work. And the photographers did an amazing job too. That Hogger cosplay, I’m just... wow.

So you’re a Truther Truther as well

Suh, the dude that eye gouged, and Kiko... dirtiest team in the league? And not one of em got ejected. What lovely officiating.

It’s surprising this went on as long as it did. It’s not just games either. They’ve clamped down on porn funding as well. Though it really looks like they just want people to not be explicit about what the money is for so they can just pretend it’s not happening.

The woman who claimed the broken fingers reportedly made it up. She apparently had inflammation on one finger. None were broken. And she wore the cast on the hand not grabbed by the officers.

Top Spin. Because why are there no tennis games anymore??!

“I can’t step up, certainly then, on allegations.”

You don’t have to buy the big drink. I hate interruptions when I’m watching a movie, even at home. As someone else mentioned, people will not get back to their seats in time so that’ll be an added hassle, an intermission just makes the movie experience longer, and most theater seats are super comfy.

Clearly you are in the thrall of Big Spider and this Pro-Spider agenda WILL NOT STAND.

Got excited, reinstalled, can’t connect to anyone.

They’d better win or 60 Minutes will have to tweet about how no US teams have made it to the World Cup finals again.

Just did this because who doesn’t like doing things you’re probably not supposed to. Then tried to write a 280 character tweet. And it was too much effort. Twitter is for explaining to people who wrongly believe pineapple belongs on pizza why they are wrong. You don’t need 280 characters for that.

Bad Religion at 8??? 8?!?!?!?!! Wut. Should be top 3 easy.

Couldn’t even give us the Pyro as one. So annoying.

It’s almost like people who don’t post on Reddit also go to places where similar things are done.

That is a terrible announcement video.

Yeah. Was during the Birmingham Bowl last year.