His statement:
His statement:
According to the updated article, he’s apparently offered her a licensing fee now for her image. That he blatantly stole. And profited from. Without permission. Cause it’s a blatant copy. That he stole.
I woulda gone with COD: Korea and then watch young people get confused that it’s set in the past.
If people only realized how it was made
Same. I’m down to it and Archer.
We’re losing Scrubs, people. WASN’T BAD ENOUGH WHEN WE LOST PSYCH?! What’s next, gonna take away Futurama too? Bah.
No effort meal = chili dogs. Boil 2 hot dogs, cook can of wolf chili. Combine. Regret hours later.
This is fun, but you definitely want to pay the 1 time fee to remove ads. Cause man they’re annoying. Game didn’t even load the first time before I was stuck watching an ad.
By all means, arrest the Doctor. But arrest the damn parents to who did this to their children. And get those kids far away from them.
It’s also something you have to worry about if you switch from an Apple to an Android phone. If you don’t turn off iMessage before changing over you may end up not receiving texts from iMessage users cause they’re sending em to your AppleID instead of your phone number.
“Man, this whole fiasco with Delta is one hell of a PR mess. No one could possibly outdo them and take away the focus. I mean, you’d have to do something ins-”
Clearly aiming for that lucrative Ozzy Osbourne market.
Apparently there’s not much that can be done. Duty-to-report is apparently murky as hell when it comes to online stuff since the states that have laws requiring it made the laws without social media in mind. And in order to identify the 40 people they’d have to subpoena Facebook, and they’d have to show proof of…
One of the greatest commercials for something that is essentially a curved footstool.
I actually really enjoyed the last season. I liked the energy of it and the lack of cruelty of the Simon era. Esp with the lineup segment.
He was quite fun when he guested and hosted on Buzzcocks
I’d quite like a new Panzer General while we’re at it. Or at least the original revamped to look all pretty.
Thanks. I needed a laugh.
Anyone can do it but YMMV. Audio programs like audacity have an option for isolating vocals, but they’re not perfect. But you can usually reach “good enough” stage like the one they’ve posted.