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Actually, everyone expected the Spanish Inquisition. They gave you 30 days notice. =D

Amazon Prime doesn't have Disney for streaming through Prime. You can rent all of the videos, but it's not part of the free streaming options like with the rest of Prime. So no, it's not really a comparison in this regards. And since it's an exclusive deal... come 2016 Amazon still won't have the option to offer it.

I second this list.

I blame the simplistic art style. It's easy to make your own Pony art. I'd be fine with it all if they'd just stop making Doctor Hooves art. Leave my Doctor Who alone you pony loving bastards!

That was fairly awesome. Never saw the original, but watching this made me do so. Even more awesome. Now someone needs to make a law forbidding any other parodies. It's peaked with this. Don't ruin it, Internet!

Bugged me that they didn't take advantage of The Muppets and release seasons 4 & 5. Yeah I can watch the episodes on Youtube, but it's not the same. The only reason I can think of for not releasing them would be licensing issues with some of the songs maybe. They have to re-license them for release, and some rights

First thought is that this is good news. Second thought is that the writing wasn't really all that great in the original three so it's not really that good news. So, I remain cautiously optimistic.

I don't know why there's so much dislike for monster/villain/etc of the week. If the writing, acting, and character interaction is good then I'm quite happy for that format. It's definitely much better than the poorly derived overarching meta stories that many shows attempt and fail to achieve. That said... this show

For those despairing the lack of Star Trek... it's a bit of a cheat. Star Trek is included as the article post image. She gave herself a limit of 20 photos to include, added one more, and then sneaked Star Trek in as well. Pretty good list I say.

I'm an unabashed Nintendo fanboy, but there's just no reason to own a Wii U. The Wii was charming but underpowered. Now they added power but only to match that offered by current systems, which I already own. Bugger it.

I miss the old I used to waste lots of time with the virtual bubble wrap.

Don't really have a standard. Facebook is usually the easiest, but it really depends on who I'm sharing the link with. If I'm sending the link to myself to open on another PC it's email. Friends and family it's Facebook. For those friends and family without Facebook I'll either e-mail it or just not bother.

I say we turn this video into a charity marathon. Everyone gets backers to put up a dollar for every minute you manage to keep watching the video before you either give up or go insane. Should be able to make a quid or two.

Seems to work quite well. I don't particularly have a need for a web based version, but it's fairly easy to use, reacts quickly, and seems to have most of the functionality of the desktop version. Thumbs up I'd say.

Agreed. Spend 2000 for SatNav or use GPS app in iPhone for free. Hmm... tough choice. The expensive crap doesn't even come with cool voices that rapidly become annoying like you get with TomTom.

Love never dies? Tell that to LLoyd Webber.

I started and stopped numerous replies to the article, but as I can't seem to articulate my point well enough to appease myself so I'll just say that I agree with you as that makes things vastly simpler.

The Dax79 link is for Master Chief. Yuna's link should go to

Yuna's profile is

I judge everything by a Netflix metric. If a video takes longer to start than a video on Netflix it's taking too long. What really annoys me is when a video shows as fully buffered but still gets stuck in places like the buffered state was a lie.