
Could I do it? Sure.

That's a shame. I was hoping the beta would last a bit longer.

To be fair... 3 out of those 4 deserve to be hunted. And I'm not sure about the Daleks.

I'll see his bus and raise him a train.

I don't know you, but I think I love you.


According to the USDA chart, the cooking method linked in the article would give you rice that retains around 35% of the alcohol. That's 35% of 12 oz of beer so it's not really that much, but it's still more than most people expect. To cook off most of the alcohol you'd have to set aside a couple hours.

Agreed. Why agonize over making a choice when you can have your cake and eat it too?

Not I. I'm a firm believer that when civilization comes to an end it will be the result of something far more mundane and stupid than any Mayan apocalypse.

Well, the inability to do so is much different than having the ability, choosing to not, and then taking pride in the fact you choose not to.

Now playing

I think Stephen Fry addresses the topic best

Yeah, the people who take pride in not reading annoy me to no end. I was catching up with an old friend, and we got to talking about books, and he proudly said that he doesn't read. Then he asked what I've been up to. I told him I was writing a novel. He didn't really respond.

Truthfully, no one knows what we can expect to see. It's thought that we could have as much as years of notice considering the buildup that would be necessary for such a cataclysmic eruption. Increased lava flows, increased seismic activity, etc.

Some fun facts:

I can't really figure out a reason not to use a combination. Free space is free space.

Seriously. It's basically the only perk to the whole venture.

You also have to consider that since the files are kept on a server there's a log of actions taken. A digital film that is managed to be copied, made into a presentable way, and uploaded to the net would likely have some kind of tag. Even if it didn't there'd be a record in the server logs showing that a file was

When in doubt just say it's magic.

As a person living in DFW it's all about listening to Russ Martin. I catch the first half of his show leaving work. I listen to the second half on the way in the next day.

It's as you remembered. You could pick before the race, but nothing changed during.