I am disappointed with me because I clicked.
I am disappointed with me because I clicked.
is it an upgrade or downgrade for Tyga????
They didn’t blame anyone for shit. They are saying that non-violent drug offences shouldn’t have the same sentencing as violent crimes which actually did hurt and endanger others.
I believe that there are some tide pods somewhere patiently waiting for you to eat them. You should get on that.
Eh, you might be a troll but I’ll respond. Yes, I’m a drug addict. And yes, I accept my responsibilities. Where did I blame anyone in my comment?
This made me laugh. And then cry. And then laugh again.
In 2013
If people can see the cases of Ethan Couch and Brock Turner and dont believe that white privileged isn’t real, than they’re being deliberately obtuse.
HA! Well thank you. Classy is not something I get that often :)
I have frozen embryos that we will most likely never use but are keeping in storage for the foreseeable future. Like you mentioned, it might almost feel like a relief to lose them to a situation like this. As though the decision had been made for us. However, I saw an interview tonight with a woman who froze years ago…
I didn’t differentiate between two types of parenthood but my health insurance did. My husband and I could never afford adoption, IVF cost my out of pocket maximum. It was truly our option.
You have so much class. My husband and I are struggling with infertility too, and I could not have written anything close to the last paragraph in your response. Like you, I’m fine with adopting. My husband very much wants to have biological children, and it’s nothing we can negotiate on. Infertility is the hardest…
If there was funding available to help with adoption costs it’d be a more viable option for me. But my insurance covers fertility treatment, and I am having to save up to be able to afford future daycare, so if I spent my savings on adoption I wouldn’t be able to afford to actually ensure the child was cared for.
Yep, my doctor mostly does FETs with his IVF patients. Could be that most of his patients are older, so they/we opt for the genetic screening. That takes so long that you have to freeze, but it greatly increases the chances of carrying a successful pregnancy to term.
Also the physical toll it takes on you to get those embryos in to existence! I felt that those steps were completely underplayed compared to the other costs (time, money, etc).
Adoption is exceedingly hard and extremely expensive as well. For a variety of factors, after careful consideration, my husband and I decided it wasn’t the right choice for us.
Jackson wouldn’t say he was being territorial. Jackson would say he wants to feel involved in the Pilates instructor’s work and to share in her space. He would also say that if you give a cat a “no” you also have to give him a “yes” at the same time. So since Ruby can’t scratch up and sleep on the big bench, he gets…
Jackson had the Pilates instructor get the cat a custom-made miniature Pilates bench to sit on while she worked so that the cat wouldn’t be in the same room and she could keep working. They got along pretty well after that.