Should we string up the men who knock us up? Would he still be alive if we did that? Let’s have everyone repent for the most basic of biological events!
Should we string up the men who knock us up? Would he still be alive if we did that? Let’s have everyone repent for the most basic of biological events!
The sneaker boot. Kind of the mullet of shoes. I hang my head in shame because I was excited the first time I saw a pair. I mentioned this to one of my sisters, who gasped grabbed her pearls. Thankfully, she told me in no uncertain terms, that no one, no one, with any taste would ever buy sneaker boots. Those and…
Yeah, it completely sucks balls. But you are not alone. You are an amazing mom and I hope your daughter gets well very soon. Our son is fine and he’s doing great. It took a lot to get there, but I believe you will get there with your daughter too. I’m glad you took some time to rant. It always makes me feel much…
I love you. Thanks for venting. I, too, have a great husband and he also seems to go brain-dead at important moments. Our youngest also had major abdominal pain that kept him out of the final months of sixth grade. There were doctors’ visits, tests (including the turd brushing-great description), specialists, school…
He could go after anyone in the media, but he chooses a pretty blonde woman, who many of us have no idea who she is, and who’s network kind of sort of stands up for her. Why not pick on one of the rich Fox big boys? It shows how petty and misogynistic he is. Ugh.
We think it’s weird too. No one is being fooled.
I stole it from John Lennon. (Not that I ever met him. He said it once on a documentary and I loved it.)
My brother preferred husky when he chubbed out at the ages of 11 or 12. My aunties would call him fat, but Mom would have none of that. He’s husky! And then around 14, 15 he grew to 6'. He’s been thin ever since. I wish people would just mind their own knitting and let others be.
Teenage boys can be major jerks. As a mother to two of them, I can confirm this. Yes, once in awhile (to keep you from tossing them out), they can be kind, thoughtful, helpful, even sweet. So Madonna better figure out how to cope before the next one becomes a teen. Trying to make him feel sorry for her will not work.…
Reclined when they ate? Wouldn’t they be more likely to choke?
Why do they spend big money to hire well known actresses then photoshop them into looking like someone else? It doesn’t make sense to me. You hire them because they’re recognizable, then make them unrecognizable?
I saw this and was de-light-ed!!! As noted, that Cribs episode was the very best. Just amazing. So the idea of more—well, it made me want to cry a little. But I don’t think it will do Mariah any favors. She’s too divalicious for most people and it could be another unfortunate, “Hell to the no,” episode. (Which, as a…
We have surly teenagers, so there a certain amount of overacting on a daily basis. This will take it it to new levels!
I love that! I’m instituting Shatner! in my household right now.
Okay, this is far from the most articulate response their swag, but ick. Just icky stuff from icky people. I am so glad I don’t share their worldview. Ick. (It’s been a long week and I can’t think of a kinder, more rational response.)
I hate that you’re right. A false whisper in the wrong ear can get you blackballed. What a profession.
I hate when people in power scream, kick, and abuse their power like that. Obviously, Tomlin was able to stand up for herself, but someone should have tried to stop Russell. That kind of unchecked, tin-pot, dictator crap upsets me. That he does it all the time, then oozes this insincere ‘love ya babe’ vibe on award…
Good. I had this random woman at a school event tell me how subservient Asian women are because their men demand it. That’s why they never marry American women. Then my Asian-American husband joined me and I waved goodbye to her. It’s not just a black and white thing in this country.
Yeah, she also thought Christians predated the Greeks and Romans. She claims to have never voted. (Thank god for that one.)
I wish I could * (star) your comment a hundred times. I agree with every word.