
“I turned off all the lights, lit a dozen scented candles, taped my eyes open, and began reading with a Grinch-like smile on my face.” - Thank you! It’s like you’ve been looking in my window, or perhaps, my soul, Mr Finger. Too funny!

Yes! A friend I’ve known for nearly 20 years has always been thin and I’ve gone up and down the scale. Everyone assumes she’s healthy but she drinks her lunch (2 glasses of wine with a handful of fries she pretends to eat) and smokes a pack a day when she gets home (so no one at work will think she’s a smoker. lol.).

Blurry is right. The articles were rarely as interesting as the headlines on the cover. The fashion was baffling. Either too trendy for most offices I’ve worked in, or too conservative and formal for my office in CA. I rarely saw anything I would run out to buy. Even the weekend-wear seemed off. The articles were

My God. I think why is a morally hollow, intellectually rigid man like Cruise doing so well? It’s inconceivable but could Trump actually be better? Then I listen to Trump and realize it is completely lose/lose with either of those men. Hilary or Bernie better bring it. Bring something so practical and meaningful that

And here I’ve been thinking we’re soooo practical and avant garde. We eat mainly out of bowls (beautiful chic Japanese ceramic, of course) unless we have people over. Then we eat on the nice plates with the good (unscratched) silverware. It makes sense because every other person in this family has food allergies, and

Tower of Pisa pose—lol! I was wondering if she was supposed to look like she’s pushing the building or if the building is supposed to define where she’s skating?

Hopefully, it won’t happen until you’re around 50. Then your friends will be relieved to see you’ve caught up to them and let it slide that you looked so young for so long.

I hate the possibly glib storyline, not my children’s natural curiosity about their birth parents. We have talked about their birth parents and adoptions since they began to talk. They’ve talked about it with friends that have older children also adopted from their country. One child worries me because he seems to

Now that it’s clear he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell, I can enjoy the show. I wish he’d keep his mom on the bus. Of all the Bushes, she’s the most intelligent, funny and unapologetically wicked—all packed in a ‘sweet’ old lady. W is duller than dishwater and about as smart, but the interaction of the

On top of this movie being, predictable, insipid and nothing like actual life, I’m afraid they’re going to make me crazy with the adoption storyline. Two of my kids are adopted. I’m their real mother, no one else is. They’re my real kids. We’re not on loan to each other. We can’t give each other back on days when we’d

Beyond painful. I could not watch my favorite show in reruns because of what they did in those final two years. I’m coming around again, but it was close to unforgivable.

I love this—I wasn’t yelling. I was nicely telling them everything they believe in is wrong and they will rot in hell. Some people! I couldn’t even look them in the eye, that’s how not-aggressive I was!

And a breathtakingly bad one at that. (Ask anyone who survived working for her at HP when she CEO.)

But you won’t see her. She didn’t bother to thank her Iowa team for their hard work. She was already gone.

Ahh, palazzo pants. They always sounded so chic, like something you’re ready to wear around an Italian villa. I have no idea what they are.

I’m in for $20, cash, up front. Let me know if the rest of you come through.

Thank you. I loved this. I usually don’t enjoy analyzing novels. Very few people seem to enjoy them as I do and it irritates me that they concentrate on the ‘wrong’ issues. I loved your insight from the Walman article. You had me at: “Female novelists have been writing from the role of the horse.” This was just great.

Ha! My bridesmaids got their dresses at that Gunne Sax factory in San Francisco back in ‘89. I draped “mood” scarves over my lamps until one caught fire. My brother ate the potpourri I placed attractively in a basket, and announced it to be the worst weird-granola-thing he’d ever eaten. It was not an easy time for

Just put some lump-fish roe caviar on those chips and accompany them with a fizzy wine (possibly pinot and sprite?), and you’re good to go.

Is Piers releasing an album soon? After reading the Gwake gossip, it occurred to me that no one says this kind of idiotic crap unless they have an album coming out.