
That portrait of Queen Victoria sure looked like Pauline Collins.
And Gatiss seemed to do a shout-out to his own (absolutely terrible) episode when he had the Empress say "Sleep No More!".

Maybe she was only MOSTLY DEAD?

Does the Dracula origin flick COUNT?

I guess that's a WRAP on the "Dark Universe". Am I right?


Yeah, I'd already heard that REDACTED was playing REDACTED, so when he showed up as REDACTED, I thought to myself "Oh, I guess that piece of casting was a spoiler".

In the actual movie, he doesn't cut her off. It's more of a clarification/encapsulation than a correction. Much prefer it.

Her name's Diana. The "Prince" part is an alias. Regardless, it's not "Price".

Anime-style? I'm out.

Promo image shows four dudes and one lady.
I'll skip it.

Don't worry! All the dead people are fine! The stakes were never really as high as you thought!

Sweet shirt! #Toronto

Yes, as a Canadian, I can tell you that we call this "The LaRue Factor".

Yakkity Yak, don't talk back.

I'm going to put this in the "Black Mirror" category of "Awesome and Great, Yet a Total Bummer".

Referring back to when DC movies were actually good, I suggest:
"If you're good at something, never do it for free!"

Wait, they had the option to put Nathan Fillion in their movieā€¦ And they DIDN'T put Nathan Fillion in their movie? Madness.

Riddle me this: Who should be the villain?

They've had plenty of time to acquaint themselves with metric.

The metric system is awesome.
The imperial system is a joke.
Stop using the latter, ya chuckleheads.
(mic drop)