
Canadian Sorry

Fair. Enough.

Stop. Putting. "American". In. So. Many. Titles!

Alternatively, why don't you just do whatever happened to the antagonist in the fourth movie that doesn't exist?

Alternatively: Why don't you pop open the Ark and melt your face?

He's right. It's the worst of the three that exist.

That final poker hand is absolutely the result of Bond cheating. I don't know if he got the dealer in on it, or if some other kind of subterfuge is taking place, but in the absence of EXCEPTIONAL narrative convenience, there's no way that hand would have been dealt. He stacked that deck.

If Craig's not up for it, is Jodie Whittaker available?

Maria Hill: The Canadian Years

U.S. only? How intergalactic of them.


This is about cryonics, not cryogenics.

Please not another white guy. I don't have the strength.

Letter grade is incorrect. A+ is correct.

PLEASE tell me they come back unexpectedly "A New Hope"-style, and save the movie.

So, China is ordering seconds?

The decision doesn't rest with any one person. But he's the "chief of the MCU" as described in the article, so he still needs to answer for creative decisions made. Especially one that has excluded women from lead roles for so long.

Feige, if you didn't believe it was true, why is the first woman-led flick in the MCU numbero 21 (after having been pushed back several times)?

What if books but too much?

Seriously, it IS "Daylight SAVING Time".