
Finally, a team of all-dude superheroes.

And how come Batman doesn't DANCE anymore?

Didn't think of it as a plot hole.
I assumed he eventually recognized (or took some time to recognize) the voice, combined with the fact that "Clay"'s accent was pretty spotty.

Let's explore the potential "time travelling pizza texts" element of this story…

So, IF it were an option, he MAY have done it.
Good to know.

There's a MALE Shepard? WHY?

Be yourself.
Unless you can be Batman.
Then be Batman.
Unless you're Ben Affleck.
Then stop being Batman.

4(20)+7 yrs ago…
U up?

That's my point. They both exist because DC wants to show kiddie-age versions of Supes and Bats. And they're willing to strain the already loose credulity of comics to do it.

But the version we regularly see is a 10-year-old. We're left with an aged-up kid that's easily slotted into stories rather than a new infant.

Comics: What if Batman and Superman had sons and they went on adventures?

…who used to be on a space western?

Any "Hamilton" references?

That's disappointing. Not a huge fan of the space-set titles. And if the only "Alpha Flight" I'm getting is the one where the proud Canucks are flying spaceships for Captain Marvel, then I'm not interested.

I have no trouble remembering how to correctly pronounce "Z".

In this dark and bitter version of Riverdale, are they really singing about cocaine?

If you want a Bond actor, go with Naomie Harris. I've been saying it should be her since Smith announced he was leaving, now she's blowing up.

Didn't Spotify already do this joke?

Plural of "Jedi"?
Just sayin'.

Mayyyybe Doctor Strange shows up?
Mayyyybe he and Ross become best friends forever?