
Did the initial draft of this list include Edgar Wright's mock-trailer for "Don't" from "Grindhouse"?

There's an existing video of this trick messing up and hurting someone. I really wish magicians would retire it.

I'd read that.

Where's Jeff Davis?

I guess it's definitely in the US, not in Canada.
Thanks a bunch, Rowling. Couldn't let us have ONE THING.

If only there was a precedent for this young Indiana Jones.
Some kind of "chronicle", if you will…

"Maybe you should mortgage those properties to pay the rent…"
"I am not givin' away my… plot. I am not givin' away my… plot…"

Did Fleur take his name? Jeezy creezy… that's too awesome a name to ruin!

Well done, Oregon. I like your style.

Why don't they just do "Barnum" if they're doing a musical Barnum biopic? Are they worried that Jim Dale's shoes are too big to fill?

MerMAN, Dad!

He's done a lot, it's true, but he still had three swings at a non-white dude Doctor and didn't manage it. Fingers crossed for Thirteen.

Hadn't heard that. Interesting.

Yeah, he was kind of a cheat. Ideally, it would have been the Ninth Doctor in a similar role. However, he DID rock, and from a batting average perspective, is my favourite Doctor. He's only been in good or great episodes, which no other Doctor can claim.

Or even… a WOMAN?!
Moffat, you were showrunner the last two (three-ish) times they had to cast the Doctor. You could have made it a priority to introduce some diversity. It's nice than an unnamed black actor was offered the role, but the end result was that we got another two (three if you count the War Doctor) white

I was promised Fred Armisen as Krang. What gives?

It's a bunch of photographs connected by yarn, thank you very much!

Yeah, if it's going to be an actress in her 20s, she's a good call, but I think they're casting too young.

The practice is sexist. That's a reasonable allegation. I've outlined WHY I think it's sexist and I never called YOU sexist. However, you're calling me names, and that doesn't seem very respectful.

I disagree. Those are the ages of her teammates. She's going to be one of the very few female members of the Avengers, and like all of the rest of the female members, she will be in her late 20s/early 30s. The male members will be 30s/40s/50s. Not fair.