
Black Panther, Spidey and Bucky aren't current or former Avengers in the MCU. That's also why I ignored Rudd (which would have been a good example in my favour, considering he was cast in his forties). I'm citing the current/former Avengers' ages, because May 2016 is the timeframe we're in. It's the present. And if

I thought we were having a reasonable discussion. No need for names.

Such is my position.

It's relevant if it's sexist.

Theron would be ideal.

Which Avengers did I ignore? Ant-Man? Rudd's 47.
Spidey's not an Avenger… Who else?

Iron Man 51
W. Machine 51
Hulk 48
Vision 45
Hawkeye 45
Falcon 37
C. America 34
Thor 32
B. Widow 31!
S. Witch 27!
Brie Larson 26!
Kinda annoyed that they cast the women young and the men old. Cast a 40-year-old as Danvers, Marvel!

After starring as the most awesome character in the entire MCU, Hayley Atwell moves on to something something something…

Yeah, it might be "Perpetual Daylight, Like in the Arctic Circle, of Misogyny".

Feige vs. Feige: Dawn of Misogyny

Rick didn't "give birth" to Beth… Unless there are some universes in which some chromosomes were flipped, I suppose.

Good call. While watching it, I kept thinking "This is like an episode of Black Mirror…"

Fuller: "I'm always jealous of The Walking Dead for having a diverse cast that's so organic. We're going to give them a run for their money in terms of diversity". http://www.avclub.com/artic…

REALLY feel like I was promised a super-diverse cast, but I'm still seeing mainly white people so far.

You don't need to put Patriarchy in quotes. It's a real thing.
What you do with your name is up to you.

Gotta break the cycle at some point.

Wait, they pull a "Justice League Unlimited" and do a Western version of the theme song as the DC heroes walk slowly towards us in an episode that features Jonah Hex? Nice homage!

Original? Woo!
(reads article)
"Special Edition"? Boo!

The premise of this movie exactly matches the jokey, whimsical one I imagined when I first read the title.

No more Krang!