
Yeah, they haven't been super consistent about it, but the general trend is that she doesn't have a background in it, has been doing it for a very short period of time, isn't respected by people who work under her (likely as a result of the aforementioned incompetence) but firmly believes that she deserves the job.

Claire getting the CEO job is pure nepotism and really annoyed me. She's worked for the company for what, two years? And she's already demonstrated that she's bad at her job. They added some lines at the top of the episode to show that she's overworked and making sacrifices, but that hasn't been the case thus far.

Imagine if you will…
John Lithgow for Wednesday.

Ohio? I think not.
He's Canadian.

Very glad that they decided to turn it into a comedy.

…because "Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Time Lords" were awesome and the new episode would suffer by comparison?

"Robin: Death in Comics is Meaningless and Laughably Temporary, Part 173"


"Solo"? Like she'd take his name. He can take HER name!

I'm reasonably sure that the eventual collapsing gold bar Jenga tower would break multiple toes.

I'm sad that, again, all of the mooks appear to be men. I'd was hoping to see some female thugs and ruffians this time around. Let's see more women characters in games in ALL roles.

I generally like the "Fallout" series because all the fighting is almost entirely optional and you can be a smooth-talkin' Wastelander and still win the day. Is that still the case?

As a pedestrian, I'm particularly spooked by people riding bikes on the sidewalk. So dangerous.

Hachi machi! It's JON Lovitz.

Focus on "American Gods"! I'm sick of waiting!

The picture shown during the Ottawa burn depicts Gatineau (AKA Hull) and it's across the river from Ottawa, in a different province. Burn fail, Oliver! Burn FAIL!

I assume he's doing so anyway. d20s, mainly.

I was kind of hoping that he'd been tapped to play Gygax in a biopic.

But what will this mean for their coffee imports?

Seems that
"Extant" Extinct
would be the more logical headline. But I'll be that'll be a common one.