
Hold up, hold up…
Thomas F Wilson is this?
Gonna have to watch it. Sorry.

I've been holding off on watching this show until he actually calls himself "Green Arrow". Has he started yet, or is that just the episode title?

Stop making me wait for She-Hulk while I endure "Agents of SHIELD", Marvel.

I'm 100% on board for a female Doctor. I really hope they go that direction for Thirteen.

Your call entirely. I just object to the results, not the individual decisions. It's only "normal" because people keep doing it, despite logic suggesting that it's not equitable.

I guess it depends on the jurisdiction you're in.

I'm not the one deciding that the tradition is sexist. It is. It just is. Under any definition of "sexism", this practice would fall under it.

The school's in THIS season, too, I believe.

As conceded elsewhere in this thread, ultimately it does come down to choice. Women and men can choose to participate in it and I have no right to police their decisions.

Very well put! It ultimately comes down to choice. I have absolute respect for each individual's right to make the decision and have no interest in policing people's family choices, but I am disappointed with the continued adherence to the trend on a larger level.

Conventions/Traditions can be sexist. Regardless of whether it's 1% or 99% of people participating in the tradition, it's still fundamentally sexist.

…Other than sexism, which our protagonist has demonstrated to be staunchly against.

You JUST SAID you were eagerly awaiting the day when you could exchange it! If you want it to be, that day is now! Go out to the courthouse and file the paperwork. You don't need the excuse of marriage.

Reasonable. Apologies.

Ultimately, any given name could have appeal to any given person. I'm trying to focus on the tradition of men's names being passed down to children over women's names. The collective force of the tradition itself keeps the ball rolling. That's not to say that some women change their names or allow their children to

So, you agree that Leo Lahiri would be better?

It's a problem and it's self-reinforcing. People, men and woman, keep choosing to embrace a sexist tradition. Others see friends/family/media doing it, so it's the standard behaviour. But it's still harmful. It suggests, both subtly and overtly, that the male perspective is more valued, that the man's lineage is to be

Why not forget about the marriage element and simply change it right now? Head over to the courthouse, fill out the forms and get started on a life with a name you don't dislike!

I do like the last name by gender plan. Not very common, but fair. I also like both partners taking a new last name, passing on to kid.

Yeah, Lahiri-Castellano is a bit much. Best to just go with Leo Lahiri, then. Alliterative.
I ASSUMED Mindy would keep her name. I hadn't considered otherwise. I'm just disappointed that the kid's name doesn't even feature hers.