
Wait, "Smith" is an UPGRADE in this scenario? I'd rather have a distinct, interesting name than one of the most common Western names in the world.
Sidenote; Boguslawski would be a good name for a sketchy attorney.

Why should the prospect be eye-roll worthy?
The proposition is exactly as reasonable as gals taking their husbands' last names.
Also: Did your wife hate her own name, or what? Why the need to change at all?

Using a sledgehammer to dismantle the Patriarchy = Not serious
Objecting to fictional characters participating in sexist last name traditions = Serious

The kid is only taking his dad's last name?
Hmmm. I'll be back.
(pulls out sledgehammer, begins smashing Patriarchy)

Here's my pitch: It's about a hyper-violent, free-swearing white dude who falls in love with a token female character while beating the crap out of those who oppose him. We'll try to keep the story streamlined for easy cinematic adaptation.

I keep waiting for the titular new girl to appear.
It's mainly about this woman and her friends.
Is Megan Fox, another woman, dubbing over the voice of a child that will be appearing in the new season?

I choose to believe that he's playing a ballsy Canadian ambassador who threatens to expose Underwood's secrets, Dudley Do-Right Style!

"Co-eds" always struck me as an odd way to describe young women.

Harry Potter meets Die Hard?
So… Alan Rickman's in it?

Three YA novels = Four movies.
There, I'm a studio exec. Give me money.

A Jedi battle couple would be awesome.

Your father's wang-saber. An elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.

I wish all the main Jedi/lightsaber wielding characters weren't dudes.

Yeah, Burton didn't waste too much time on 'em overall. I never got too much into "Brave and the Bold" because I didn't care too much for the art style (though I heard they had some standout episodes). I guess I was mainly irked by the Nolan flicks (Thomas had many lines, guided Bruce's story, Martha had a single line

Yeah, the pearls were part of the imagery, but whenever a movie or show needs to talk about "the Waynes", it always seems to REALLY be about Thomas.

Man, Thomas Wayne's death tends to be emphasized far more than Martha's. She was awesome, dangit!

Maybe the rest of the episode's cruddiness prevented me from being objective about her talents when I watched it. Unfortunately, testing this theory would involve watching it again, and that's not going to happen.

Palicki has proven that she's a terrible lead for a superheroine TV show. No.

Did it get better after the pilot? I went into it so ready to love it. The premise is solid, but that pilot scared me away.

Insufficient Wonder Woman.