It’s a lot harder than it seems, though.
It’s a lot harder than it seems, though.
I can’t help but be cynical about his bowing out of E3 coverage. I know the timeframes don’t line up but it does feel like this is a move to maybe go full bore in making the VGAs THE premiere announcement/trailer drop destination in the next few years.
I know Keighley stands to make a lot of money if the perception…
my beef with Picard thus far, is that the writing is kind of sloppy and they don’t seem to have remembered what made Picard Picard. minor episode 3 spoilers ahead (but you read the article above so...?)
i cannot believe that Picard would neglect to visit a friend who felt thrown under the bus by him. it’s just forced…
Don’t bother watching VR. Find a library that rents one, a gaming cafe, an art install that uses them, or find someone in your area that will show their setup off to you. It’s fun as hell, and until you try it you should really withhold judgment. At the least, it’s a better party trick than you’re giving it credit.
I’m in a gamer group right now that started as poor students (actually poor, by the actual federal standards, even including their parents). The worst card in the group is a GTX 1060 at this point, and that guy is literally a cook for the local equivalent of a Taco Bell. He was previously a bus boy at a Chili’s…
Im an unemployed stay at home dad and put togther a vr rig (used parts) with4th gen i7 and 1080 for 600 Canadian dollars and got the oculus headset used for 350 as well... its not hard if your half way decent with money... the hardest part is finding time to isolate myself in the headset
Couldn’t have said it better. I’m looking forward to March very much. This is going to be very good for the VR industry and for gaming in general. I started by trying to argue with the whiners. At this point I’ve decided it’s just better to ignore them rather than let them shit on my good vibes.
I’d totally buy a Switch to buy that on Switch.
Damn straight. What an amazing idea, executed beautifully.
Hey there was Cadence of Hyrule ...
No, I think the problem is - how is it sustainable? Are you familiar with the Movie Pass service? It was too good for how little you had to pay when it launched, too. It wasn’t a sustainable business model from the start and that turned into some major problems for it.
Exactly this. A very thorough opinion peice, examining the potential directions they could go with it.
This is very interesting as if it goes through, that has a huge amount of implications.
As a developer, everything about this worries me. It sounds eerily similar to mobile development’s race to the bottom and we all know how that ended: A glutted market full of often low-quality experiences churned out by imitator studios. I’m fine with offering low cost enjoyable gaming experiences, but I worry about…
Dear everyone, take a real world issue you care about, take the energy you generate from your hate/defense of the Epic Store, and channel it into a letter to your congressperson instead of an internet comment about video games. Because this is nuts.
In before reading:
Yeah I respectfully disagree with this completely. I found Hopper’s behavior to be a new father who would have struggled with a teenage daughter (as many do IRL) in even the best of circumstances, and their circumstances are hardly ideal.
Seems to me like Quest vs. PC-tethered is just the age-old console vs. PC dichotomy within the VR world. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and there’s plenty of space for both to exist. (Hence me having a Rift and still being interested in the Quest - portability would be awesome not just for ease of use,…
Just FYI, it launched with a full 50 titles.
So...that’s sounds....neat, on a technical level...but not particularly conducive to good character work or compelling storytelling.
Watch Dogs 2 is really, really good...I think I’d just like more of that in a different setting.